The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Ray Charles is Dead...

Re: Ray Charles is Dead...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 15:03:32 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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when I was about 16 and in highschool in San Jose, California there was big ole boy from right off the farm...they had them there still...who`d moved up from Arkansas with his folks who`d bought a ranch somewhere. He was a real hayseed..big, goofy looking and a smiling tough ass guy too. He came in late and hardly made anyfriends.

One day after class apal and I were walking to the next when he walked up behind us, slapped a hand on each of our shoulders and said..."You boys know who the MAN is"? We smiled foolishly at each other and him...with a bit of respoect showing towards him and said no, we didn`t. This white boy from the boondocks was the biggest Ray Charles fan I ever met. Where and how he came to appreciate a Black singer in the wilds of Arkansas I can`t imagine, but it shows how transcendant the man he cut across every barrier and fault line possible.

From then on and every day after class he`d walk with us and tell us Ray Charles stories...tell us which albums to buy...even gave us some. Like a kid with a new toy he`d be excited every time a Charles song came out.

Anyway, that was the first I heard of Ray Charles and soon all his biggest hits came tumbling down on us like warm honey. A really great Assyrian singer who had the good fortune to be born miles away from Chicago.


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