The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Take on Haliburton..........?

Re: Take on Haliburton..........?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 10 2004, 21:48:53 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

when will one of them spell it out? The terrorists were an invention and creation of American policy for just these ends. What company could legitiamtely make a trillion dollars in two months? Without the taxpayers first having the shit scared out of them???

Didn`t Eisenhower tell it like it is?

We saw Martha Stewrat risk her corporation and jail time too for a measely $50,000...and do you think corporations WON`T start wars??? You any idea how many times they`ve done just a business venture? When you produce almost all of the world`s weapons..what the fuck do you want Peace for? You want to start a company making a new kind of car that NO ONE wants???


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