The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: hand wringing 101

Re: hand wringing 101
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 4:39:32 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

".... a lot of their military efforts have been wasted by what they regard as poor, inept planning for the stability phase,"

..That`s rich..."stability phase". When has the United States wanted stability in those countries that mistakenly have our resources? What they mean by stability is a steady and uninterrupted outflow from them to us...and keep it coming and keep it "stable".

A stable Latin America, or MidEast or Africa would mean real hustle and worry for corporate heads. isn`t that we NEED what these countries have in order to maintain the lives of us regular`s that our executives gone wild can`t get enough money...there IS no such thing as "enough"...and there are only so many legitimate ways of getting a trillion dollar profit in three months...and War is the only way and War has to be legitimized. The only thing you have to do is provide a REASON..and they`ve done that brilliantly.

Stabillity in Iraq is the last thing on the agenda.


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