The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: slime balls unite

Re: slime balls unite
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Monday, July 5 2004, 16:21:44 (CEST)
from Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

It's actually Davie. I haven't been called that name since...............well since primary(elemntary) school.

And judging by this guy's responses, a school he has yet to graduate from.

I mean can you imagine him on report night?
You got a D for Maths little Ashur.

What that's're a bathee!

Next teacher.

You got a C- in Physics.
That's bullshit.......who paid you to give me that mark?

Next teacher.

You got an F in Chemistry.

Fuck you you're a terrorist bathieee son of a...............

(By this time little Ashur's parents are having to stop the teacher from strangling him.)


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