The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Saddam Reducks

Saddam Reducks
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 1 2004, 15:02:31 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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He was America`s puppet till he cut the strings....all of this was just to install a new one. The people in the governing council all have ties to the CIA...they are mostly foreigners living abroad and largely unknown to Iraqis. This was no "accident"...these were not the "best men for the job". These guys may or may not resurface...but they`re in at the beginning to set the tone..and to show Iraqis who`s still boss.

The gradual handover and presence of foreign soldiers with the right to shoot to kill tells Iraqis on the street who`s running they always were.

Having oil has been a being attractive can be for a woman in the wrong place and time. There`s no way American oil people with military backing are ever going to let Iraq be "free" or independent...never. They`re hardly going to shift course now, now when there`s so much money to be made.

It`s just going to be a new puppet..that was the "regime" change.


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