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=> Tevye In Iraq

Tevye In Iraq
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 23:09:32 (CEST)
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My children tell me they just saw Farenheit 9/11. They said it was hard to watch in spots..but that they know I`d like it. I know what they mean of course. They don`t mean I`ll enjoy seeing Iraqi villages ruined by Americans..that will please Jassim revenge for the villages Saddam bulldozed..they mean I`ll apprecite someone standing up for the people of Iraq..all of them..all descendants of the ancient people of BetNahrain., regardles what Jew religion they picked up along their long, glorious, colorful and now painfull path.

When I see it, I`m going recall the way I felt watching Norman Jewison`s Fiddle on The Roof...especially that heart rending scene when Christians, who else..sweep down on Tzietle`s wedding and smash all the tables and beat the guests and go on to destroy their small ghetto trainglular village. tears of rage come to my eyes every time I see that scene.

When will we have a Sholom Aleicum to tell our stories..of our people mudered at their weddings...our brides blinded and then robbed of their babies, by the same Christianity..and you know who will fight them the greatest and the hardest on that day when we produce the artists who can do it? You got it..the same people who fight every step of the way to keep us from bringing peace to all our people in that lovely land..and guess who`s attacking these wedings and killing these guessed`s Christians again.

For 1500 years they managed to contrive lies and outgrageous lies and commit crime after crime and invent Blood Libels against the Jews..when they had done nothing to anyone..yet. And look what they did to them?

They feel now they have an even better case because they have "proven" to the same Christian fanatics who killed the Jews, that Muslims are ACTUALLY EVIL...they made up new "rules" for Muslims and new blood libels..ones that say no Muslim can raise a finger to protect his family or his home..that if Christians decide to use an Israel they created, both the country and the need for steal Muslim lands and kill the people and a Muslim anywhere fights back...even by tying a bomb to his back and trying to get at the Jews and Christians killed ANYBODY who got in their way...then that Muslim is just a murderer by nature, and an envious killer by training and not only that but, just as with the Jews, it is something in the blood, in the genes, in the hook nose and dark skin of Muslims...ALL Muslims...and why allow their children to grow up and infect white people with their religion...which is growing among Christians, as Judiasm never did?

They pushed Jews into ghettos...forbade them from owning property...opening stores, being farmers, attending universities...they consigned them to hell onn earth allowing them to do those jobs no Christian would..and they made money anyway...slowly, generation by generation and they "hoarded" it...not because of the insecure position they were held in but because "that`s just the way Jews are"...and when they couldn`t keep as clean as the Christians because no clean water was made easily available to them they were called "dirty" Jews...not because of the rat holes they were forced to live in..afraid to even paint the house because that might indicate there was wealth to be stolen...but because Jews were "just that way"...and the same goes for every habit of theirs which was merely a survival adaptation to what Christians were doing to them...and then blaming THEM for being "just like that"...and they`ve done the same to Muslims...stood and watched while Palestinians have been treated to every indignity till children could no longer look into a father`s eyes and went out on their own resolved to kill and die rather than continue as penned up victims of the Christians who used the Jews now as some Jews were used and allowed themselves to be used as guards over their own people in the Death Camps.

The same slanders and blood libels, tailor made for Muslims this time around, are being applied by Christians again...remmeber that the next time someone tells you "Muslims are just like that"...that this same person bought all the lies and distortions and slanders used against Jews to justify their murder too...including one and a half million totally innocent our murdered mere 500,000 Iraqi children..they`re at it again...and it`s only been 60 years since their last Holocaust.

Just rememebr that our own boys..who cheered this on, call themselves REAL Assyrians..and why? because they adhere to the same religion that did this to the Jews and is now targeting their own people...these are REAL Assyrians.....and they want their Christian rights guaranteed for Betnahrain of all places.


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