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=> The Beam In Everybody Else`s Eye

The Beam In Everybody Else`s Eye
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 1 2004, 2:41:48 (CEST)
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..what is it with this busness of trying to get Americans to not mention their own manifest crimes? It seems if you forget half of history you can be a REAL American. Are these Christian Extremists and Terrorists running our government the kind of people who criticize eveyone else`s kid first...are they the kind to kill children first?

I thought you were supposed to look into your own eye before blinding everybody else. No matter what crimes the United States has`re expected, by these assholes, to keep your mouth shut and only focus on Saddam...and feelgoodaboutyourself when you realize you`re better than he matter how close you come to being the same.

No one is saying we want to let criminals go free...but we mean our own criminals should be held accountable as well..otherwise it isn`t Justice at all...just partisanship and as soon as someone comes along more powerful, it will be our turn to weep.

I don`t excuse Saddam`s bloody habds at all..or anyone else`s, be they Turk or Arab or Hottentot..I`m just not going to give "my" side a free ride...because MY side is the Human Race stuck on this increasingly fragile planet where more and more people are falling into poverty and neglect and unless there`s another planet the rest of us don`t know about..any raging disease that sweeps the planet will get us Sanctions in Iraq killed everybody. And violence is reaching epic proportions and no, the United States is not exempt from its share of the responsibility and to point out doesn`t mean I HATE America any more than when I criticze my children it means I hate them.

Without admiting, or even mentioning our crimes, Republican apologists hope we`ll think we`re crime free...that we haven`t done anything to anybody to pis them off mightily and that anyone who is angry at American policy is "that way"..or envious of this lifestyle that has us killing each other and children across the sea..

They think all we`ll see is the blood on the other guy`s hands...never the blood on our own..and that when we go get the bad guy, the blood that will get on our hands is good-guy blood because it`s bad-guy blood...Well, I don`t WANT any blood on my country`s hands...and a good way to avoid that is to point out the good reasons and distinguish them from the bad reasons, that people might be so weary and discouraged that they could come to a point of despair and hatred where they`re willing to kill themselves just to make a statement and a dent in this behemoth we`ve become.

If we at least look there we`ll see a way to stop it..if we want to..otherwise we live in a delusional state pitted in a war forever with other humans..and we`ll wind up making them all also so terribly discouraged and angry and hopeless that they`ll ALL come gunning for us...and we will NEVER win such a war.

Charity begins at does honesty. Why did we really kill 3 million Vietnamese civilians? Why did we kill 500,000 Iraqi children? Do you think that by sweeping things off the newspapers that have been bought up as surely as Congress was bought, that they never happened? The rot will still circulate in our scoiety, as it does already.

The newspapers have been sold out..they will no longer print those articles of only a few years ago exposing environmental contamination..they will be hesitant to investigate anything that may hurt the bottom line of the conglomerates that bought they could write nothing but advertising for the lifestyle America is trying to sell which toothpaste gets your life whiter.

It goes hand in hand with buying the government so it doesn`t speak to the people any more...and now the newspapers don`t carry information of vital interest..they play up the stock markets and tout get rich quick schemes as "news"..they bring their own "analysts" and "experts" on the TV shows to discuss stocks that "should do well tomorrow"..and thinking this is NEWS..people go out and act on the "advice" and behold, thje stock DOES do better tomorrow.

It`s funny, really it is..but it`s deadly too. Very deadly and deadening.


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