The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> They Never Quit

They Never Quit
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 15 2004, 2:00:20 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Date: Monday, 14 June 2004, at 4:38 p.m.

In Response To: 'Christ's Kingdom on Earth' (Robert)

Dear Robert

Don't worry, we'll keep hearing these songs especially when we are asking to judge Turkey for the genocides against the Assyrian people.

..there were no genocides...not unless the war against the Turks was also a genocide..they had done nothing to Christians except have oil..same as now..that was the extent of their crime. Paranoid nations under attack have a way of lashing the unjustified war against the Iraqi people who never did a damn thing to the United States..except have their oil.

These songs are only heard by Turkey, we have documents, eye witnesses and amny proves such as what you quoted.

...fuck your prooves...we have far more recent prooves from the United Nations and Amnesty International about the murder by starvation of 5000 Assyrian children, many of them Christians, for 13 years an unspeakable crime against recent humanity...done by Christians AGAIN! If you people had left Turkey alone you`d still be there enjoying your fucking churches.


...and we have 500,000 starved to death Assyrian children, many of them third as many as those other Christians, the Nazis, killed...

There is no end to it...keep remembering..that`s what makes revenge and that`s what keeps it going round and round. The Turkish episode was over decades ago...what about the Assyrians killed by America in these last 14 years? As long as you don`t recognize that for a "genocide" as well...then you`re part of the problem.


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