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=> a Hajjar Hammers it Out...

a Hajjar Hammers it Out...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, July 6 2004, 1:35:52 (CEST)
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Re: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Hanna Hajjar on 06 Jul 2004 00:06:38:

As an answer to: Re: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle written by Tiglath on 05 Jul 2004 13:48:21:

The ball is in the court of the Arabs and Kurds,

..their balls are between their legs...where are the balls on the Lamasu?

if they are not ethnically Assyrians, then they are invading occupiers, because the land is Assyrian.

...You cannot prove you are ethnic anythings..certainly not Assyrians..the language is Aramaic...the food is everybody`s...the religion is haven`t a single document that will be acceptable to anyone who isn`t from your choir that you are an Assyrian etnicity...not a one.

We Assyrians are the rightful owners of the land, and no one should forget that the reason why we are a minority is that we were subjected to massacres by those invading foreigners.

..not true. You were massacreed far more by the Byzantines who set Christian policy and called you all heretics..had the Muslims not pushed them out they would have killed you all or converted your children, after killing their parents..instead the Muslims respected your faith and didn`t much care whether you wanted to cross your eyes with one finger or two..or whatever you were killing each other over..The Muslims brought peace to the region...any "masscrees" you suffered are no more than people have done to people for centuries for various never had and never will have the kind of autonomy you enjoyed under the Millet System in the Ottoman Empire, which Christians screwed up for you, not Muslims.

...However you achieved your minority`re there now and as no one rights those wrongs anywhere you can whistle down the wind..but besides became the minority RELIGION.not the minority Assyrians..the majority of our people became Muslims and went on to build another great`ve just ebcome accustomed to wailing in villages and call THAT "Assyrian".

Minority and majority is relative, if you draw the borders around the territories of Assyrians then they become the majority (note it doesn't have to be a large region), further more if our occupiers were subjected to the same massacres that Assyrians were subjected to, then they too would have become a minority.

...not if you draw it around Christians..which is all you are...I am Assyrian...I will draw those boundries to include all the people of Iraq..I don`t care which way they pray and I don`t care which god the pray to..Assyrians always expanded and grew outward, they never hunkered down in fear and ignorance...those are all my Assyrian Heritage..a distant and glorious heritage the Muslims among us have since expanded upon and showered more blessings on the earth through our Muslim empire.

...You are merely drawing a cricle around the Christian Assyrians and calling all of THEM Assyrians..because they happen to be the same JEW RELIGION as you...I`ll take them all..I don`t care what Jew religion..maybe in time we`ll all come back to Ashur, the god who inspired us to be great...with Allah running a close second while Yahwe has reduced us to rubble.

So the issue is not numbers, the issue is who is the rightful owner of the land. If you have a 3 member family, that does not justify your neighbor who has a 12 member family to barge into your house and take it over. let alone if your family is a 10 member family and he ends up massacring 7 of your family to bring them to a minority status where he would claim your hopuse.

..never mind your mind-numbing proooves. You have no have no legitimate claim..YOUR say-so doesn`t fly anywhere..and you aren`t even Iraqi..where do you get off claiming our land in YOUR name?

Even if we are a minority, in Iraq, and even if we are a minority in the Assyrian Triangle, that does not negate our right to our aaaaancestral heartland.

...that argument works for NO other indigenous even if you what? To whom are you complaining? Who runs an office anywhere for displaced Christians...OR Assyrians OR Apaches OR Basques OR Vikings?

The whole Middle East is ruled by minorities, in Syria it is the minority Alawites ruling the Sunni Majority, in Iraq it was the Sunni minirity ruling the Shiite majority. Further more we Assyrians don't want to rule all Iraq, we are not interested in that, we are only interested in the Assyrian Triangle which is our heartland, and the birthplace of our nation. Native American can claim his heartland Aztec can put in a claim to Mexico City..even though the whole world knows the story..those days are over and done with..besides you`re still speaking as a Jew, a recent convert to Yahwe....go claim his lands...our Heartland never knew any of you..if you are welcome there, so is everyone else..and you`ll just have to abide by MAJORITY Rule...which your American Masters brought to Iraq at what cost? And NOW you want minority rights? What minority anywhere had any right IT demanded? Where???

If that region is not ruled by Assyrians then it is under occupation, minority or majority has nothing to do with that. is ruled by Muslim Assyrians..not Arabs..not foreigners..but even if it was...America is ruled by Europeans..and nothing can be done about it..grow up a little faster.

Sure there will be Arabs, Kurds and Turkomen living in the Assyrian Triangle, we will treat them with respect, they way we expect them to treat Assyrians in the regions that would be run by Arabs, Kurds, or Turkomen respectively. Just as Assyrians accept to be ruled by Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomen in their regions, they too should be expecting to be ruled by Assyrians in the Assyrian Triangle. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as we all treat each otehrs with respect and dignity. have to start out with respect..and for you to come claiming OUR lands in the name of a Jew that is pounding our country even as you make this absurd demand for YOUR an insult of gross proportions..there is no respect at all in a Christian born in Syria demanding the land of Iraq..are you nuts?

There is no need for ethnic cleansing, people should be allowed to move wherever they feel more confortable to live in out of their free will. People, cultures, languages need to interact to evolve to a higher level, but it should not be done on the expense of one group by erasing it from the face of the earth.

..that was happening already...for the ten thousandth time we had Christians in government, science, business, trade, education, the military..everywhere their talents and abilities got them..they were there...what you will NEVER get is a Christian enclave...a place from which you can teach your children that they are being magnanimous in allowing the rest of the people to live in lands they stole..coming as they all do from Arabia..THAT you were never allowed to do and you never will be allowed to do.

Everyone should realize that we all need to coexist, and that if one group wants to wipe another, then that justifies that some other group comes and wipes them out, if the Kurds have the right to wipe out the Assyrians, then the Turks would have a similar right to wipe out the Kurds.

...if you call on the American Christians to wipe out our children then protect yours well...if you can call for a Militia made of Christians to go there and seize what they say belongs to ready for the are putting in motion the forces that will destroy you Christians some more..but you never take responsibility for anything so you`ll slither out from under this as well.

It is a two way street, what ever one nation justifies to do to another nation it should realize that the same thing will be justified on it. are not a nation..these are all your own figments nursed in dank hothouses where you don`t allow in fresh air..where your ditzy dictionary defines a world that "works" for you so long as you stay indoors but makes you unfit to inhabit the real you can`t handle a real forum.

The power of the Assyrians lies not in the numbers and their military power, but in their power of derailing what others are planning if Assyrian rights are going to be ignored.

..there you go again you Motherfucker! Why don`t you just give out the addresses of the Christians remaining..and tell the Muslims that these people will be the FIRST to destroy their homes, dreams, families and country if you, A Syrian Christian in America, doesn`t get YOUR way!

The Kurds would have no right to claim any part of northern Iraq if they don't take into consideration the right of Assyrians to same. can claim anything you can take and keep..look at Israel...shut the fuck up and TAKE the land and hold onto it and it`s yours. If the Kurds do that, or the Brits or the will be their new land as well..this is how the world was settled..this is how every modern country came into are fit for the nursery with your rhymes..not for the world and certainly NOT for Iraq.

They are claiming the right to Kurdistan because they are 25% of Iraqi population, with the same token, Assyrians constitute 25% of the population in the so called Kurdistan, and consequently they are entitled to an independent Assyrian Triangle. The Kurds can't have their cake and eat it too, especially when they claim Democracy but don't practice it. Ask yourself, are Assyrians treated as equals to Kurds in the north? Can an Assyrian be the president of the so called Kurdistan? If not, then it is not a democratic state. Any state that discriminates against its people baced on their ethnicity is chauvinist racist state similat to Nazi Germany. just described the United States and your a demcocary majority rules...there can even be slaves, as in Greece, the only real demcoracy ever...and minorities and women can be denied all rights as they were in America till people DID something and stopped demanding and stamping their feet and wailing. talk about pure blood like the Nazis harken back to a fuzzy past and imagine an impossible future based on your DEMADSES just as they did. Iraq is fully within its rights as a democracy to deny you whatever it wants, as the United States STILL does to its minorities...also to vote a real Hitler into the Christian democractic Germans did..and cook you and eat the Germans did to the Jews...democracy never meant minority rights are simple means the will of the majority will passes no judgement on how that will is expressed..what prejudices are enacted into a lw by the majority...what discriminatory practices and repressive measures are voted into place by the will of the POPULAR makes no judgement at all on the humanity and decency of the people..and since the United States undemocratically appointed a president who broke every international law to make war against innocent people WITH YOUR are in NO position to dictate anything about the "quality" of a democracy for it to be acceptable to YOU.

Hanna Hajjar


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