The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> absurd Paul...

absurd Paul...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, August 3 2004, 2:40:34 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I think you`re losing your senses...I think you too want revenge...I think 1400 years of "Muslim" horror are to be replaced by 1400 years of Christian terror before you`ll call it quits.

Forgive us, but it's been so long that Muslims have been the culprits that it's become fixed in our psyche and it's hard for us to recognize that others may pose a similiar threat to us today.
>Am I wrong?
>Paul Younan aren`t wrong...just foolish. What does it prove to say that people have been killing people? Where do you draw conclusions about who is worth what? And how can you so blithely say the United States ISN`T Christian..yet lump all Muslim murderers under the title of "Muslims"? When you call Americans NOT Christians...where do you get off saying Tamerlane was in REAL Muslim? Does you bible tell you to kill all the people you can, starting with your own Christians?

have you any idea what the popes did in Europe..what Christians did to many Christian children they much devastation and murder was brought to the world by Christians? Who started the First World War...Muslims? Who tore Europe apart for centuries...Muslims? Did the Egyptians attack France or did Napoleon go there to kill them..and for what? Did Muslims launch a Crusade against Europe that went on and off for 1000 years? Didn`t Christians on their way to the Third Crusade attack CHRISTIAN Byzantium instead and murder all the Christians they could and rule the city? Who brought us the Second World War...Muslims? Who murdered six million Jews...Muslims? Whose religious leader just apologized NOW for 1500 years of teaching Christians to hate Jews...Muslim`s?

How convenient for you to simply cut loose Christians who were HEROES and LEADERS and friends of the POPES who murdered millions and millions and millions of inncocent people and are at it still...and you merely decide they ALL weren`t REAL? And at the same time you INSIST Tamerlane and any Muslim madman butcher you care to name was a REAL Muslim doing JUST what the Koran told him to?

What were Christians doing to each other when there WERE no Muslims to blame? Were they not killing each other and rioting ...even in BetNahrain?

Why do you people persist in smearing this religion when, as you keep lamenting, they have YOUR PEOPLE trapped among them...being ravaged by MORE foreign Christians who more Christians believe are EXACTLY right than believe you that they all got it "wrong"? Why are you people STILL calling for weapons to go "defend" yourselves when YOU brought war to those people and killed far more of their children than they EVER killed of yours?

And what the hell is it with your martyr story about grandaprents who would be arrested in any sane country for recless endangerment and have their children placed in ANYONE elseªs custody for not saying a WORD to save their son from death and their daughter from that fate worse than death they wouldn`t say a WORD to save her from? Are you nuts? THEY sure as hell were....they and their church who teaches them this crap.

The Hebrews have an insane god SANE enough to tell them it`s okay for them to utter lies when a gun is put to their heads...especially to their children`s heads because he KNOWS they were forced to deny him and even the LAW understands coersion...that`s because yahwe NEEDS his Hebrews...where apparently there isn`t anything Christians value more than throwing themselves and their children away, as you÷re all SO HAPPY you are no longer Assyrians...REAL ONES, Paul...leaving their dear children to be I don`t know what AFTER they are done away with.

This is is SICK beyond words and it`s JUST the sort of insanity that has you all killing not only each others children but your OWN as well. Are you ALL crazy?

The Turks at least gave those parents a CHOICE..they didn`t just murder them. What would have been so awful if they had lied, knowing their god wanted them to KEEP their children alive so that for no other reason they could breed MORE? The war would have ended...things would change, they could go BACK to their god with their families intact... What kind of an insane god inspires parents with his OWN insanity?

I had to ask...

Why is it you are all so happy you threw away Ashur..that Abgar tossed him out because he got CURED...and the rest followed suit...when you come and tell us how wonderful it is to keep faith with a JEW god even when it means your children will be killed or left alone in the world? Are you canªt see how you slander yourselves and your so called Assyrian heritage? You have been taught not only to throw away your gods and Heritage but your children as well...and then youªre told NOT to deny Christ under ANY circumstances...and you are Assyrians?

Go tell a Christian to deny Christ, the Jew, first time he gets a better offer...then tell him to NEVER deny his next god and his next and his next..and then PRAISE him for giving up Christ...and tell him he is an EVEN BETTER Christian for doing so...I swear you people are dingbats...


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