The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> and more lies

and more lies
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 6:05:35 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Group Claims It Killed Captured Marine


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by News on 03 Jul 2004 23:13:09:

Why does Islam's teaching permit beheadings as a way of execution, and why doesn't the Muslim world condemn this type of Murder? your Christian teachings tell you to starve children to death? Why do you people build ovens to cook people in? Why do you skin Jewish children to make lampshades..why did you cut the breaats off of nursing mothers to make tobacco pouches...why did you melt the bodies of humans to make soap...was there none at the store? Why do you execute mental retards and adults for crimes committed when they were under 18...does your god say "Thou shalt Kill"? Why did Christian use the Guillotine to cut the heads off of thousands of people and why is the manner of killing the issue here rather than the NUMBERS of people, children included, you people killed in Iraq aone..not to mention 60 years ago when you Christians, apparently either following the dictates of your god, or ignoring him, built showers where children could die of asphixiation..which is a far more painful and drawn out way to die..whereas beheading is fast...why do you focus on any detail you can that smears the other side will ignoring the half million children you starved to death...who died of easily cured diseases because you Christians denied them the medicines they`d had before in abundance, transforming their state of the art hospitals into slaughterhouses...have you any idea how long it takes a six year old to die from neglect...from hunger..from diseases ravaging its body day by lengthy, agonizing day..and this was just fine with you all...but when A Muslim, enraged by 14 years of this kind of treatment, gets his hands on one of the Christians from the country that did this to his children..and cuts his head go into hysterics and play the sweet innocent`s part.

...would you prefer they locked the soldier up in a filthy room with no water and then slowly watched him starve to about denying him medicine when he got dystentary and bled his guts out through his asshole? These are the things you did to children...children...children...NOT soldiers. How does that make you a good Christian???

...and does your Christian teaching allow you to rape men and women in jails and set dogs on them and beat them to detah and drown them and humiliate them..why is that Christians are taught to do these things?

..Or are you now going to say these acts are the acts of degenerate Christians..of which there seems to be no end in sight..while the equally reprehensible acts done by Muslims are TYPICAL of ALL you stereotyped all Jews with your own lies till you worked up enough Christian teachings to go kill six million of them...a million and a half of whom were children..does your Christian teaching teach you human sacrifice? Does it start out by insisting you have to eat the body and drink the blood of a sweet innocent who ALSO had to be butchered or you wouldn`t get into HEAVEN...of ALL places???!!!


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