The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> clock ticks closer to "D" DAY

clock ticks closer to "D" DAY
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 16 2004, 5:04:00 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...that would be "Denominations" Day..that`s when Christians will be SHOCKED to discover that they`re no closer to triangles than their pin heads ever were..that`s when the long anticipated and brutally enforced murder of Muslim Assyrians and the tearing apart of that damned land that has the wrong NAME will finally be realized..and then all that`s left for the boys to do is start blaming each others they had a snowball`s chance in Jerusalem of ever getting anything...but OH THOSE MARTYRS TO COME!!!

Here`s Fred trying to sound like he knew it all along..when he was among the biggest cheeleaders who fucked the quarterback from the start.

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Iraq's Darkest Days are Yet to Come

...what happend to two weeks ago when Jassim was telling everyone to lighten up...think positive..visualize Assyria and it will materialize..and where`s Jajo with his travel suggestions?

Posted By: Fred Aprim (
Date: Tuesday, 15 June 2004, at 6:04 p.m.

Iraq's Darkest Days are Yet to Come

Fred Aprim

According to the United Nations, the presence of the United States in Iraq is considered as an occupying force. Therefore, legally, any law that the United States, and as an occupying power, puts in place does not remain effective beyond the end of occupation. The only circumstance in which any such law is somehow legal is when and if the United Nations mandates or ratifies such law. The Iraqi Interim Constitution (also known as TAL) issued March 8, 2004, shall therefore be void immediately after the transfer of power to Iraqis takes place, which is planned on June 30, 2004. This materialized when the United States deliberately excluded TAL from being part of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546 at Security Council meeting 4987 on 8 June 2004. is just full of surprises..idn`t it?

The United States had to make a quick decision. Ayatollah al-Sistani sent a letter to the Iraqi Interim Government in which he declared that serious consequences were to take place if TAL was included in any UN resolution. On the other hand, Kurdish Hoshyar Zibari (Foreign Minister) asked the United States specifically to include TAL in the upcoming resolution. The United States accommodated al-Sistani. One might ask: Did the United States Administration lower its expectations towards democracy in Iraq by the exclusion of TAL from the Security Council resolution?

...the better question is, how do you "install" democracy through force of arms and pricks? can an un-demoractically appointed President..who ignores all International Law..bring anything to anyone..except death and destruction for financial gain? And last of all...did the United States want less Terrorsim or MORE?

TAL and all the provisions about the guarantee of the so-called Chaldo-Assyrians' rights will be worthless in couple of weeks. no sweet cheeks..they were worthless AT THE TIME!

Legally and as far as the United Nations is concerned, the Iraqi Interim Government could run Iraq in accordance to TAL but for publicity use only since TAL will be void for all practical purposes on July 1, 2004. have such a strange effect on the English language. Until you use it, it makes perfect walk by and it goes crazy.

Prime Minister, Ayad Alawi, did indeed declare that he will respect and follow TAL for now until national elections in January 2005 are held. However, can Assyrians for example rely on the words of any single man in a lawless country, without solid guarantees through the law of the land? aren`t are Christians who chose an Assyrian Front because `your own looks more like a beehind. As far as trusting one can`t trust anybody.

The final say is going to be the Iraqi people and the results of the national elections in January 2005. Through those elections, the Permanent Iraqi National Assembly (majlis watani Da'im) will be selected. The Permanent Iraqi National Assembly will then write the Iraqi Permanent Constitution. In a simple elections, the national assembly is going to be controlled by Shi'aa naturally since they make the majority and any elections without any special consideration to the Assyrian Christian minority will spell a disaster.

..not to more than an election in the United States that leaves out Native American rights is a diSaster, THEY LEARNED TO LIVE WITH IT...SO CAN`s isn`t a perfect system..that`s why religion should be left out of it..but if religion is left out of it..then YOU can`t be "Assyrian"...since the only proooves you have are your religion..which you claim makes you even better Assyrians..that and a language you keep telling everyone was spoken by Christ..a purely religious figure...and not the language of without religion in the`re just ARABS...hehehehehe.

The United States is not going to jeopardize its relations with the majority of Iraqis at the expense of a powerless minority when its own economical interest in Iraq is at stake.

...did you just figure that out? Did you know it all along but decided it was best not to let the rest of the dummies know..let them keep saying how America would love them and honor them and protect them because they are little old Christians...didn`t we try to question the wisdom of making such a loud point of placing all your hopes in what America would surely do for you..and weren`t we banned for rasing the point you just realized now? Or did you?

That is obvious since the United States had just turned down the demands of the powerful Kurds to include TAL in the resolution just to satisfy al-Sistani. If it turned down powerful Kurds, why would it care about powerless Assyrians?

...didn`t you hear Hanna tell it? he said that any Assyrian is worth ten thousand anybody elses.

In 1932, Great Britain did the same exact thing as it helped Iraq to enter the League of Nations to satisfy the Iraqi Arab government and betrayed the Assyrians and few months later Iraqi Army massacred 3000 innocent and armless Assyrians.

...not "armless" you dunderhead...HEADLESS! Seems to me I recall trying to make just that point..that we already knew what value promises given at one end were worth when we all exit the other end...they`re worth shit. Yet you all thought certain sure the United States..with Britain to help it along this time, would SURELY do the right thing by you

...No Christians carrying weapons, in their arms, in a Muslim country being occupied by Christians...and crossing the borders and recrossing them and defying orders to lay their weapons down are "innocent". And if their pig headed folly led to the killing of Christians who weren`t involved..that`s just tough shit..remember, The United States and with your full support, killed 500,000 innocent Assyrian children, many of them Christian. And you boys have never mentioned that all the time you`ve been crying over a mere 3000 killed 80 years ago. Anyone who thought to believe you boys would stop and think again on hearing this..and they will hear it.

A dark cloud sits on the future of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq. you boys did more than anyone to bring was your fervent and mindless support for a policy of murder and destruction that once again made their lives very shakey...and their status was far more secure than it`s going to be that the predictable thing happned..that Extremism would take it has in America.

TAL is dead already and Iraq after January 2005 is a completely new ball game, new rules, and new constitution to be written. What if the majority of Iraqis demanded that Iraq be declared a Moslem state?

...what if the Supreme Court insists that God be forced into a pledge that never had it until Extremists shoved it in? What if America is shoving God down the throats of everyone? These things happen...Iraq IS a Muslim state...facing several CHRISTIAN States...are they supposed to be the only ones to deny their own fierce religious convictions?

What if the majority demanded that the Shari'aa be the main source of legislation in Iraq? Who would veto such demands?

...did you think you could? Did you think they wouldn`t demand such a thing..when confronted by rabid Christian states who pray to god after killing 500,000 Assyrian children, many of them Christian?

Democracy does not mean that the majority rules only, as some clerics in Iraq are demanding.

...that`s certainly the way it works in America.

Such limited definition is so incomplete. True democracy means that majority rules indeed, however, the minority rights are protected at the same time.

...there`s no way of enforcing that...minorities will be protected if and as much as the majority decides..that IS`re just pissed cause you can`t have a dictatorship anywhere but on your message boards that front as forums. We were in the minority on your thingies..all we asked and many readers asked the same for us..was the chance to EXPRESS an alternate point of view...and you`ll recall how you dealt with fact YOU are the one who wanted and still wants a password system so that only the majority opinion will rule. Perhaps you`ve heard of the Golden Assyrian Rule?

This fundamental understanding seems to be alien to many powerful groups in Iraq, whether Arabs or Kurds.

..No it isn`t..and it isn`t`s entirely optional..and in the United States it`s getting less and less common for the minority to have their rights protected and if Bush gets his way some more and guts the Constituion some more...we will lose even more rights. Democracy is indeed rule of the majority..everyone understands that the world`re just comfortable dealing with the rest of the morons you appeal to, to whom you can say such preposterous things and have them agree with you. You always knew you were a under any system of Law, except one in which YOU were the`d lose..and you`d lose especially big time, like you`re going to, in direct relation to how obviously and blatantly you tooted America`s horns for it...and you tooted PLENTY!

...And if you WERE the you think you`d give Muslims half of what they allowed you? If you ran Iraq would you put the Crescent of Islam on a site titled "Assyria" they put your cross on their site, titled "Iraq"? Of course not. Thank GOD you boys have no teeth but to bite each other.

A disaster is in the making in Iraq,

...oh really? Where have you been the last 14 years? Were things "looking up" for anyone then?

unless provisions are taken to protect the minority Assyrian Christians who are not armed and well equipped to protect themselves as the Kurds are.

...No provisions will be taken..none ever have been. If you boys weren`t so fucking ignorant and prowd of it, you`d spend some time and read the REST of the`d read America`s history and you might even peruse that of Britain..then you`d read about Christians and what they`ve done as an organized religion and especially when married to the State..and you would have realized that there was no future at all in putting your hopes on any Christian, Western country..that for better or worse you are at the mercy of the Muslim majority and you`d either make your peace with that and try to get by as best you so many of our people have...or you`d come to Chicago and try to get know, the "strategy" Hanna outlined in which, if you boys can`t have your have the "power" to ruin it for everybody else...for Muslim Assyrians and for the Christians of Iraq as well...and I`d say you`ve done pretty good in that just waited till the ruin was complete before you noticed it...out loud.

You literally asked for it..only YOU won`t get it..just like those fools with their weapons marching across borders..they got the people of Simele killed...and you will have gotten the Christians of Iraq killed...that`s entirely to your credit.


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