The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> of COURSE...

of COURSE...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 23:35:12 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...and No WONDER!!!

That`s why all the most ardent "nationalists" never DO anything...except bleat and gather together to rub each other into excitement over this stolen village and that murdered Christian dating back 10,000 years ago and wonder the more of these thugs came out of Iraq and Syria, the more they scared away people who knew enough to know you can`t turn back Time, no matter how wronged you were by Life...and neither should you scratch and dig at your scabs and blind your own children so you can beg more alms in the market place where all is hustle and bustle and new enterprise while you sit there on a dung hill of memories and plead for crumbs...nor should you seek revenge through others, no less...begging and kissing ass and doing all you can, even to paying, so that hired guns will go kill people for you, people whose great grandparents you dimly remember harmed you and if not exactly them, what the hell, kill SOMEBODY and throw their unoffending children and grand children off the you claim yours were...

no wonder these activists and experts and doers and heroes all piled on top of each other barely reach level with the gutter...whose greatest feats of action are taken against each other and especially those of us who dare wonder that Hanna Hajjar is praised for his tatoos while the same people slam Assyrian Art that doesn`t go begging or sells for five wonder they resent any positive or constructive or creative efforts that might indicate we`re ready to put the past behind us, as everyone else has had to do in order to move on in life as mature adults who can EARN their place at the table and not beg for crumbs from more than grown children so pig-ignorant of the world they actually think the world is as impressed by their plight as they are, knowing so little outside of a Syriac manuscript, remaining bitter and arrested in their development.

These people, these boys, have NOTHING to build, NOTHING to bring to fruition..they have NOTHING to bring to life...all of their clubs and groups and churches too are Fronts for revenge...Fronts for murder...why, they`re the FIRST ones to remove an Assyrian artist`s painting..they`re the FIRST ones to write letters protesting an Assyrian monument, they`re the FIRST ones to threaten a lawsuit against an American city like Chicago if it dares install an Assyrian Monument built with pride and love but NO PITY for this Heritage..they`re the FIRST ones to kick the legs out from under their own if their own stand a chance of outrunning them and maybe catching up to the rest of modern civilization...

No WONDER they all cry out for help..for members to join them...for people to TITTY up...not to build anything but to complain with a LOUDER yell for murder with MORE any child who thinks by screaming louder the little dear will be heard and get what he thinks he deserves And BECAUSE they are mean and ignorant and barbarian they have none of the qualities one needs to attract people on their own without guilt inducing them, without wishing they feel miserable enough..without compiling lists long enough to force them to join in calling for revenge, revenge, revenge.

...glad I figured that was beginning to bug me.


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