The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> the record is stuck...somebdy bang on Assyria

the record is stuck...somebdy bang on Assyria
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 15:56:31 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: matter what issue you raise with the boys they`ll wind up dragging their dead people out..that and reminding us of some pasha or sultan from`s so clearly the rote "history" they were forced to learn from their priests...priests who are still the hirelings of the Roman Empire that first imposed this state religion of theirs on our people, in one way or another...the same thing happend to our children ages ago..they too were placed at the feet of Roman clergy and taught this awful nonsense about how their ancestors turned tail and ran..much as they are STILL those villages where they hid in fear...and that their ancestral gods belonged now in hell...and that anyone would be blesed who dshed THEIR brains against rocks..and they CHEERED...and were comforted to know they were no longer the work of Ashur`s heart, but of Yahwe`s hands, this same desert fiend who wished them to hell.

The boys are still turning their children over to those same priests, like they were, where they now pick up this garbage about how all Assyrians MUST be Christians to be REAL Assyrians and that Muslim Assyrians are all Arabs from Arabia..and they can no more challenge and ask questions or hold out and remain unconvinced than could those Assyrian children of old whose parents Christian Rome had fucked and then killed...raising the orphans to be "devout" Christians, like Paul Younan who will now carry on with Rome`s work by teaching his children they really are better off being neo-Jews or else...or else daddy may not love them as much and will one day ostracize them if they marry into another religion etc.

No one has yet answered Tiglath`s simple question, posed almost two weeks ago. Instead, like any trained barbary apes, they`ve merely recited the catechism of Christian "martyrs" and abuses and they were set on "automatic" at a very early age..."My children, if anyone ever asks you anything you can think of no answer to...remind them of their dirty parents and then remind them of all Christians sufered at the hands of Muslims but refuse to discuss what Christians did to Muslims etc". And that`s it. That`s all the depth and field for introspection allowed to these programmed WONDER they all gravitate to computers!!! They understand first hand and at a gut level what it is to be programmed!

Tiglath merely wanted to know on what basis the boys were SURE they were pure Assyrian and not mixed with any of the several ethnic and religious groups wandering over that vast and varied and rich landscape back when. Not having an answer and not daring to even THINK of one, the boys merely responded as the switch placed in them at an early age was set to do, turning on the record, opening the program inside their heads..they first attacked Tiglath personally..then they went for any "weak" spot, in this case his devout and much respected father implying that Tiglath was slamming his own father when they were...and then, as a final clincher of no relevance at all, they brought up the things Christians had suffered at the hands of their "tormentors" the Muslims without ONCE conceeding that Muslims had any reason to distrust Christianity for all its crimes against THEM...making light of or denying the suffering of others..even as they rage about how others make light of their own suffering, or dismiss their own claims outright...and the final blow comes when they "hint" that Tiglath has more love of the tormentors of his people than he has for his people..including we are to assume, his father.

This is so clearly the handiwork of those rascally priests we`re infested with that it should leave no doubt in anyone`s mind who did this to us originally and that we CAN`T have freely chosen to become THIS stupid and sneaky and cowardly to boot. AND...unable to answer a simple wuestion.

The reason the boys and the priests standing behind them and programming them like any P.C. can`t afford to even THINK about an answer is because the obvious answer..that they "don`t know"...blows this entire exclusive claim to an ethnicity of 4000 years ago based soley on membership TODAY in a Christian sect no one ever heard of when we WERE Assyrians. It also gives the lie to the claim that you can ONLY be of that sect and its derivations if you are to be thought of as THEM!

We now are told, by "real Assyrians", that we have to go to Jews for validation as ASSYRIANS..that`s how mind fucked these Christian Assyrians are...and the boys for one go on and on and insist on being fucked over and over...for Jesus. They can`t afford to THINK once.


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