The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> their feelings are hurt

their feelings are hurt
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 7 2004, 17:37:46 (CEST)
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Website title:

the boys I mean....from aina, where boys get hurt...

Date: Monday, 7 June 2004, at 9:16 a.m.

Dear all,

It hurts me to post this article which gives sad account for armed bandits taking Christian hostages in Iraq, for money.
But we need to know these things.

...didn`t hurt you boys when Majdolin was blinded and her two Assyrian children killed...500,000 dead Assyrian children didn`t bother you a fact you wanted even MORE Sanctions. It would seem that you are ALL religion ALL the time. It isn`t the Assyrian Heritage that gets you`s the Christian legacy that gives you hard ons.

So long as the United States, a Christian country, is bombing and killing and fucking and blinding you`re as happy as pigs in Christian shit..but let a Muslim kill a Christian, in revenge for the unedning onslaught of Western Christiansity and it hurts your feelings...and do you suppose America isn`t in Iraq, holding the entire country hostage for 15 years...while it does what? Benefit Iraqis?..or take the money...just like the bandits you so lament.

You boys are religion...your history is religion, your concerns are religion, you kill and make friends according to hate and love based on religion..there isn`t a fucking thing that`s Assyrian about you. Assyrians are furious at the destruction of Iraq...because Iraq was Assyria and ALL the people there...regardless of their religions or place of origin are descended from the same boys are just Christians hiding behind an Assyrian front..but we see you.


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