The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> travesty

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 3 2004, 20:29:15 (CEST)
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Francis Coppola refused to eulogize Brando saying the man would have hated it. For someone who had the relationship with Brando he did, to refuse to say the usual about the man..and for THIS asshole to call Brando a just too much.

Brando was no Saint and he would be the last to accept such self-serving twaddle. That`s what all Christian Assrian compliments are..I know, I`ve suffered many of them that are only intended to elevate the giver, like isn`t he or she fortunate to know such a "great" man. Always made me uncomfortable and if Brando could he`d spit on this I`ll do it for him.

Brando was a deeply flawed human being who transformed himself through art...and did it brilliantly. There`s no need to make a Saint of the man in order to appreciate his gift..neither is there any reason to make a god of some Jew carpenter because he asked people to be kind...why is that so hard to do you have to place rockets up his arse them kill and eat him?

Go your ways...and slime no more.

The Passing Away of a Great Saint


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by News on 03 Jul 2004 20:08:26:

Yesterday Mar Lon Bar-Ando (A.K.A. Marlon Brando) passed away in the city of Los Angeles (Mdito D'Malakhe).

He was 80 years old, and world famous for his role as the GodFather (Aloho-Abo).

He was also known that his Offerings (Qurbono) are not refused, and that makes this saint the patron of Unrefused Offerings. For those of you who want to make offerings, pray for this saint, and your offerings will be taken more seriously.

May he rest in peace, Aloho Mahsele. are on oloho assholoe and you can keep those offerttings.


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