The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> two women who won`t need to eat...

two women who won`t need to eat...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 15:51:59 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: would be safe to say that all Iraqis need work..that they could all use some food...that many Iraqi parents have daughters of working age. Either Bechtel doesn`t hire those..or none of them are willing to work for the country and the companies that brought death and destruction to Iraq...only Christian Iraqis are willing to do that...EVERYBODY in Iraq is hungry!

And there you have the reasons Christians aren`t welcome or isn`t BECAUSE they`re Christian and follow Jesus...who would have condemned this war only the Romans stopped his mouth...they are disliked because of their BEHAVIOR..such as being eager collaborators. Iraqis would hate anyone who did Palestinians would hate the Irish if they did to them what Isrealis have done.

Let`s try real hard to think straight..these are mighty crooked times and it won`t help if we all get whipped up into a religious frenzy and all go looking to kill for God..we`ve been there before and everybody loses.


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