The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> what I meant...

what I meant...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 5:19:35 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

here`s a good example...

"hey tiglath you kurdi, why don't you tell us that story again about how you changed your "slave name". u know, the name your father gave to you."

...this fellow doesn`t realy want to hear "that story" again. What would be the point? If he really wanted to read it again he could check the arhives...Tiglath`s never hidden his feelings..but does he have to repeat his stories upon command?

...As far as his father goes...that`s private and should remain so. It does nothing to change the point one way or the other. These are cheap shots intended to scare Tiglath away and hurt him and his family...or even better...discourage anyone from posting similar things.

...don`t be like Kent in "King Lear"...when the Duke of Cornwall says to him..."you are one of those who will not do god`s work if the devil bid you".

I`ll play be Kent and do God`s good work .

Now...if you moderators agree with this sort of thing...and want people kept from posting because they`re afraid of getting smeared by the few people you have who can only maintain their "points" in these dirty little ways..then fine. I don`t expect to hear from you.

But I would remind you...we have more readers than you do...and if we don`t...we have them all over the world as you do. You all know how sensitive our mothers and sisters and children are to exposure..around the world no less. All I`m asking of you, is that you protect them..not me and mine,,,,I can take care of my own just fine. But do you want to?

Robert De Kelaita is gone. I don`t blame him. Who needs to hear his wife`s pooter spread on the internet? Who is THAT dedicated to Assyria? It was a cheap shot I`m particluraly proud of because it WAS so cheap...yet so effective. I could have made my point ten other ways...I just went for the show you all I can play too.

I must admit that it pissed me of mightily that you boys talk about airy fairy things while people`s wives are actually being spread-eagled by the Chritians you begged to go over there...and that you won`t speak about it but keep kiss-ass quiet. I can`t change your characters...but I can exact a toll on it a "Decency Tax", or, "Farids Jizya" (EEEUUUU!) levied when you forget you too have wives...and what it must feel like to have them humiliated on international TV...or the internet. I can draw too.

I`d hate to give up what promises to be an effective way of getting rid of all of you...just by doing what you do..only a lot better. But I`ll sacrifice it and swear off your families...if you`ll make a serious effort to clean up your took action when people were deemed to be insulting "Assyria"..let`s value Assyrians as much...

Three days ought to be enough...


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