The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Carlo again....

Carlo again....
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Sunday, June 5 2005, 16:34:43 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

.....Dear Carlo, my responses are below.


Don't waist my time and yours. Who cares about zinda articles? Do you?

......Obviously you or you wouldn't have kicked your secretary Deouty General Suzy David out after my last article.

Plesae do something positive for our Assyrian nation.
......I am I'm protecting our people against people who would make promises to them and use them and then dump them after they've got what they wanted from them.

What is your objective by attacking Ken? Do you think by attacking people you are going to get credibility. Is your boss agenda is to destroy who ever talks about Assyria or Assyrians.
......You should be asking him what HIS objective is in attacking Muslims. That's the more important question here.

You don't believe in God, who cares that is your decision.

.......Who says I don't believe in God? I beleive in a God that won't dash my beautiful children's heads on rocks the Jewish God that Ken follows....the Jewish God whose aim Ken is attempting to fulfil in Iraq as we speak.

You use to be a positive & active member of our nation what happened to you?

.......I still am I just didn't sell out to peope who have broken international law.




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