The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Assyrian unity

Re: Assyrian unity
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, March 26 2005, 23:07:09 (CET)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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John wrote:

...Christians in Iraq were never treated in these ways...but then neither were Muslims AND Christians in Iran...till America put Khomeini there. Jews were never bothered by Muslims till Christians put them in Palestine and stole Muslim land...till then Muslims were the best pals Jews ever had...far better than Christians ever were to them. boys appeal to emotion refuse to discuss intellgently, or just tell us YOU are hurting. Don`t you think Iraqis suffered because of what Saudis did to America and because Bush wanted oil and money? Does that seem fair to you? Is it okay because the Christian team did that?

No one is justifying any abuse of anyone..I`m certainly not condoning Christian violence against Muslims..are you? What do you say to the 600,000 Muslim Iraqi children starved to death by American imposed sanctions? How do you pass over such events but get so worked up over a couple of students?

Until you people, Muslim fanatics and Christians ones such as yourself, get over counting numbers and making a team sport of will never stop..and I don`t think you want it to..I think, fresh from your vitory over the Jews a few decades ago, you Christians are convinced you can now do the same to Muslims..of course you`re going to give reasons..but they are pretexts..nothing more. There were also all sorts of films, photos and "reports" to show that Jews were driving out white Christians, controlling everything..poisoning wells and having blood sacrifices with the blood of Christian children people have done this before and you proceeded then as you are first spent a lot of time demeaning and villifying your intended targets..just as five hundred years ago the world KNEW the magnificent contributions of the Jews...even under unimaginable hardhips suffered at the hands of Christians..knew how decent and kind and loving they brilliant and accomplished etc...but your leaders only showed the worst aspects and lied often enough to accomplish that...the same is true today..there are scholars of repute who could set America straight on islam and what Christians have done since the Crusades to make Muslims dislike and distrust them..they could teach us a lot..and trues things than you bother with, but they aren`t given visas or access...we could look into Muslim families and loving relationships to see how little differences there between us all..but that is not your are determined to make stereotypes into truths to make them serve your murderous but pious purposes, the same thing you people did to the Jews... a Christian you know no shame...but, if you might feel it and grow into a better person.


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