The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: full service christians...

Re: full service christians...
Posted by Ado (Guest) - Friday, June 10 2005, 23:40:53 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: Images and Links

I hear you. I think Harisa has become the universal Shara dish. The only difference we have today is the fact that we prefer to buy a stuffed lamb as apposed to doing the whole cuttin’ da throat slaughter thingy. Well, some us do.

"The Devil" will insert ellipsis comments here.

Yes, Pacha needs to be classified as a narcotic and not because of the addiction factor, just to make it illegal.

"The Devil" will insert ellipsis comments here.

All in all Harrisa comes in a close second to Dikhwa as the best tasting fugly food.

"The Devil" will insert ellipsis comments here.


The full topic:

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