The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: let`s cut the crap...

Re: let`s cut the crap...
Posted by Dalale (Guest) - Saturday, June 4 2005, 18:49:37 (CEST)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Sing it with me gorl... Voltaire = Overrated, thump, thump thumpthumpthump

@@@@@@@@@ Might be overrated, but I did not want to use a quote which centers on a certain gender, since I have nothing against males, and believe that they should also speak their mind freely, and of course have a right to do so. Although one can express his/her opinion in a respectful way.

The V-Dog also said "All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God." Toof on Voltireee, he obviously never met Alanis Morissette. Probably don't listen to much music.

@@@@ I like Assyrian music, and Nancy Agram =) don't toof on her too.

"All the reasonings of men are not worth one sentiment of women." You should've used that V-Spat. It's true! I really do believe that.

@@@ Like I quote was in its place because all individuals regardless of gender have a right to speak their point of view, and not be toofed at. As if your toof would make me feel "ashamed" or guilty of speaking my mind? Trust me, the "toof" power does not have affect on me, and with my luck, if you tried it in person, the wind would have blew it your way.

@@@@ By the way, according to the laws of karma, those toofs will come back to haunt you.

I don't get the "new and improved Dalale" comment. Sorry, I'm new here. Botox? If it is a big change here's a bit of a hit from my buddy Lao "What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly".

@@@@ I thought you listened to the song? The old Dalale used to hold up the bridge for soldiers or whoever walked by.

@@@@ The "new and improved Dalale" is more picky, think Buffy!

@@@@ I'm the last person you will ever hear had any kinds of operations. The girls in Canada are a different brand then the US kinds….. Luckily …I was born with green Sumerian eyes, and have always been called beautiful..... my soul that is.

I do love that song.

@@@ Well we agree on something...who would have ever guessed??


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