The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: more bullshit neo-con issues...

Re: more bullshit neo-con issues...
Posted by Jesus on Dope (Guest) - Friday, July 29 2005, 3:34:46 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Our jobs are and have being shipped out to third world countries that have no Labor Laws or Environemntal protection Laws or Child Labor Laws, poor conditions, long hours, and... to benefit the rich and the people on the top and screw the workers and peasants/farmers.

This is what these pigs always wanted and this is what these pigs always have done in the name foreign policy and trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA, GAT, OR other similar trade agreements.Trade agreements are just baits for breaking the social movements and solidarity among workers and laborer around the world especially in less developed nations of south and central america by creating the middle class which eventually becomes the silent majority and would turn their faces when the people in work starts raping the workers/laborers.

These bastards know this game very well and the only way for to defeat them is by organizing and organizing and more organizing.


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