The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: someone....

Re: someone....
Posted by Dalale (Guest) - Monday, June 20 2005, 22:30:47 (CEST)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

****************Yes.... and if you remember well bellzebub, you said that "THEY" STOLE the Spirit of Jesus, and that is why you use your brain gymnastics to exile him into Jewland. I on the other hand realize that they STOLE him, and as I said to you before, and will say it again, since your ears are clogged, NOT ONLY was the Spirit of Bethnahrin alive in Jesus,
but THE SPIRIT OF JESUS BELONGS TO BETHNAHRAIN, and that belonging, does not mean "owned" by Christians, rather a Divine Gift to all peoples, including Muslims, who of course also believe in him as a Prophet, and toany human who wants to not only speak the language of peace, but act in the actions of peace, for the betterment of the "reality" of this "hysterical" world!. Get out of the me me mentality people. I am a citizen of the Earth, and can be Assyrian whether I live in China or Zimbabwe! way of praising us, I guess...and getting me to admit something or other, said..."the spirit of Jesus was alive in Mesopotamia....anyone see a problem with that statement?


Well, if you're going to claim to be proud of being Assyrian, you'd know already that the spirit of Betnahrain was alive IN JESUS...not the other way around...a rather significant in it is NOT the language "of Jesus" is the language of ASHUR!

When I pointed this out, this person had at least enough good sense to drop the subject.


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