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=> Volcanic blues

Volcanic blues
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, June 5 2005, 16:37:26 (CEST)
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Re: While Assyrians engage in semantic orgies, the Kurds..

Posted By: Ashur Beth-Shlimon (
Date: Sunday, 5 June 2005, at 8:04 a.m.

In Response To: While Assyrians engage in semantic orgies, the Kurds.. (FYI)

There is no a solid evidence that the Qerds are the ancient MEDES, but let us to take that for granted, THERE are over 12 million of them in Turkey and over than 8 million in Iran their original homeland, the question I always asked why the so-called ' QURDESTAN ' be in ASSYRIA?

...Look, try to calm down and take a world-view of`ve got your nose so tightly pressed to your version of how things SHOULD be, to suit you..that you haven`t noticed how the world`re asking water to run uphill and then getting so mad that it WON`T!

...Europeans settled the New World...their natural home till then was Europe. They didn`t ask anyone`s permission to go settle where they felt like..they killed and enslaved the indigenous population..yet no one BUT those indigenous people ever complained about it..that`s just the way the world wags..try to wag with it. sound and act like petulant children and the people you are supposedly aiming your tantrums at haven`t the least notion why you expect them, of ALL people, to "do something" or "Wake UP"!..this is the way the world WORKS! The Kurds can "legally", as per international law and practise, take over all of England..if they can get away with, it`s their new home. Try to understand a LITTLE.

and most ironic it is getting accepted by our political parties? Why all the Assyrian political parties and organization in homeland and in diaspora are competing sendig congratulatory messages to the Qurdish THUGS who the American TANKS inspired by the EVIL ZIONISTS installed a president of Iraq, WHILE these bandits don't make more than 15-17% of the Iraqi population?

..because of just what you said..the United States backs this (easy with the Zionist plot thing..that`s old)..and so it will be the new reality..just as ancient Assyria used its might to determine the landscape in IT`S this really THAT hard to grasp or do you think pretending to be a tender-headed virgin after having been fucked so many times will get you your foreskin back..or something?

..the "Assyrians" back home are accepting it because THEY don`t WANT to be YOUR kind of LEFT, remember? Neither do the Chaldeans want to be associated with you purists who are asking the impossible and unheard of. They know they are CHRISTIANS first and foremost..that they have FAMILIES to feed etc. And they made their decision based on THAT..not on some words written in any number of PETITIONS, DICLARATIONS or whatever...all they want is to be allowed to practise their Christian religion..there is NOTHING Assyrian any of them ever did back there...except go to church..that`s all they want and they`ll try to be good citizens of Iraq..that`s all the "Assyrian" they demand..just go to church in peace...and they HAD that till all of you on the OUTSIDE started braying about how they were ABUSED and MUST get their OWN part of Iraq...are you CRAZY?

You boys on the OUTSIDE have inflated notions of your worth and pedigree and are USING the ones still back there..urging them on to risk their lives and then risking it FOR them if they`re too slow to move in YOUR direction,...and, as I said, you all got OUT!!!

Finally, the PLOT is known to us , that all these DIRTY ACTIONS and the REWRITING

...oh give it a rest!


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