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=> good people...

good people...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 14:05:42 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..are good people...they aren`t MADE good by any religion. And most of them manage to stay good INSPITE of their religions, which are nothing more than a device for controlling large numbers of people.

The especial danger in Christianity is not what it does to good`s what opprtunities and excuses it provides the not so good people...the ones who see in this one-god business the excuse they need to bash the neighbor they are jealous of...or woman they loathe...or whoever stands in the way of the oil they want.

Good people will remain that can`t change them...Christianity could drop dead today and the good people would go on...but the nasty criminality might stop...not that the not so good people would change`d just see their COVER and their GOAD disappear overnight..and we`d see them for the criminals and degenerates and theives they really are. THAT is the "value" of Christianity...


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