The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> it takes such an effort...

it takes such an effort...
Posted by beezlebub (Guest) - Thursday, June 23 2005, 1:03:59 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title: deal with the boys as if they were growed have to have tons of benefits of doubt to hand over to them...but let's be patient...anyone as dismally Christian as they are and terminally so, who EVER imagined that they were BETTER ASSYRIANS as well...well, you see what I mean...

Re: Spelling police


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by fyi on 22 Jun 2005 23:54:50:

As an answer to: Spelling police written by Shushan on 22 Jun 2005 23:32:28:

I googled and those are common mispelled words, and besides everyone including the mr. complainer mispells a lot more words than those and besides he doesn't even use proper grammer and instead of making sentences uses ... obviously as a catchall when he does not know the correct punctuation so he should know people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. He has the worst spelling and grammar on the internet.

...naturally the boys miss the they miss all points. I made a point of saying Arameans post, though filled with all sorts of errors, was clear and forcefull and it is, after all, content that we are after...trouble comes when you have neither language skills NOR content that you are welcome in their Church the most. Aramean speaks more languages than I do and if I were to attempt these sorts of ideas in Spanish I'd be impossible to impossible as the boys are whatever language they speak...they'd sound as stupid in whatever language they're most proficient in...maybe even more so because then we'd understand them PERFECTLY.

...the point of NOONE wasn't that it was spelled wrong, everyone gets words wrong was to point out pointy heads....they all read here and I've tried any number of times to educate them a bit better so they don't send diclarations where they say, "NOONE can deny that we are none-Assyrians that non try to help". Point being that they dasn't adopt the correct form because that would PROOOOVES they read if we didn't know they to compound their idiocy they MUST remain stupid to be REALLY "Assyrian"...which was the ENTIRE point all along: that to BE their kind of "Assyrian" you need be as stupid as possible...and along comes fil to graduate head of the class.

on google noone shows up mispelled 1,050,000 times
and alot shows up mispelled 5,310,000, and both are listed in all lists of commonly mispelled words, so why he needs to make such a case of it shows he is running out of material to use against people. laughable!

..the point wasn't mispelling at all...the point was exactly what you just walked into! Next time you go out on a weekend, be sure to wear your best satire.


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