The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> massaging balls....

massaging balls....
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Monday, June 20 2005, 21:26:10 (CEST)
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...the Grair boys are at it again over at beth. The thing you have to always remember about the Grairs, Aprim, Jassim, O'Reiley, Gibson and the rest is that they can't come out in the open for a free and fair exchange. each of them needs the deck stacked heavily in their favor...Dadeeshoo as well.

The Grairs can ONLY get away with their statements where they know for sure there will be no serious opposition...they will resort to calling your mother names should you manage to get on there, as a last resort.

The difference should be glaringly obvious between an Assyrian and those Christian wannabes...we will go anywhere and take any number of them on...with no pre-conditions at all....just a fair and frank exchange of ideas.

That they can't do the same should be all we need to know about them and their ideas...Assyrians my arse.

That's why they have to knock the Assyrian, not Christian, monuments and sculpture...or ANY serious achievement by Assyrians that can take its place OUTSIDE...they are terrified lest the outside world really hear of them and respond....they want Assyrian art, artists and achievements to remain mediocre and contained within a closed circle existing within tight assed forums such as they feel comfortable in...very like the village idiots they are from those tiny villages...they are worried and for good reason, that they will be laughed at if they venture too far away from some Nanny's apron strings..and they despise any of us who manage to go out into the world AS Assyrians...where they can BARELY manage to get out there as Christians...even when every rock has a Christian under it.


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