Re: Peter`s Pickled Pecker...a resPOND |
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- Thursday, May 11 2006, 21:24:07 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...Beating up on Aprim and Kakovitch is too easy and the temptation is always there to take cheap shots at them because they`re SUCH clowns. Peter is a little different. Aprim and Kakovitch are like wormen who have awful tools..or none at all..and who wish to build a table. Everything is set against them. Peter jassim, on the famous other hand, at least has some decent tools. He`s no better at designing or building anything..but at least he cuts his wood straight and has something besides his head to pound nails with. Peter has a better grasp of the English language...alas ne also doesn`t know what to DO with it...but it`s there. Like a fine tool he can only fondle. > > >What Arab Civilization? >May 8th, 2006 >By Peter BetBasoo > >EDITOR'S NOTE: There is great need for setting the record straight on the history of the Middle East. The revisionism of the last few years will lead Western Civilization into bondage. that? Jassim is going to free Western Civilization. The following letter by Assyrian scholar Peter BetBasoo is a very important step in the right direction. ...Peter Jassim is NOT a scholar. here we go again...making up what suits us. Peter Jassim doesn`t even know his OWN name! These boys think if you`ve read a lot of Syriac manuscripts plus three or four Missionary is a scholar. A scholar is one who has no hidden agenda..who takes in ALL pertinant information, never caring where it leads a scientist...who then draws conclusion, haltingly not by the ton...on what APPEARS to be the case. Aprim, Jassim and the rest have their entire LIVES and their ability to stand upright vested in an EXACT interpretation of what they like to call "history"...big difference. It was sent by Assyrian scholar Peter BetBasoo to Carly Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett Packard Corporation, in response to a speech she presented in Minneapolis on September 26, 2001. It is reprinted by permission. Please read and pass it on to others. ...Peter used Hewlett Packrad computers his mind that created a "bond" between the two of also quailifes him to teach the CEO a few history lessons. > >Dear Madame Fiorina: ...In America the word "Madame" implies a business leader in quite another occupation altogether. > >It is with great interest that I read your speech delivered on September 26, 2001, titled "Technology, Business and Our way of Life: What's Next" [sic]. I was particularly interested in the story you told at the end of your speech, about the Arab/Muslim civilization. As an Assyrian, a non-Arab, Christian native of the Middle East, whose ancestors reach back to 5000 B.C., I wish to clarify some points you made in this little story, and to alert you to the dangers of unwittingly being drawn into the Arabist/Islamist ideology, which seeks to assimilate all cultures and religions into the Arab/Islamic fold. if this dimwit was rammed through Christianity with his eyes wide open. > >I know you are a very busy woman, but please find ten minutes to read what follows, as it is a perspective that you will not likely get from anywhere else. got THAT right...and neither is it a perspective anyone past 1200 AD needs to know. I will answer some of the specific points you made in your speech, then conclude with a brief perspective on this Arabist/Islamist ideology. > >Arabs and Muslims appeared on the world scene in 630 A.D., when the armies of Muhammad began their conquest of the Middle East. We should be very clear that this was a military conquest, not a missionary enterprise, ...this is news? Was the conquest of North America a missionary expedition? Was the conquest of India by England a peacefull enterprise? Is it somehow significant that among all the Chrisdtian forces attacking and conquering and subjugating people the world over..the Arabs came along as well? and through the use of force, authorized by a declaration of a Jihad against infidels, Arabs/Muslims were able to forcibly convert and assimilate non-Arabs and non-Muslims into their fold. Very few indigenous communities of the Middle East survived this -- primarily Assyrians, Jews, Armenians and Coptics (of Egypt). ...and how does Peter suppose all of the New World "converted"? All sorts of indigenous people who had the misfortune to be in the path of Christianity have been "folded" up into death? Is the attack on Iraq a peaceful enterprise? > >Having conquered the Middle East, Arabs placed these communities under a Dhimmi (see the book DHIMMI, by Bat Ye'Or) system of governance, where the communities were allowed to rule themselves as religious minorities (Christians, Jews and Zoroastrian). ...something no conquering Christian EVER extended to may want to thank Muhammad right now...because tyhe system he imposed SAVED your ass from the Christians...who would have killed you all as heretics. These communities had to pay a tax (called a Jizzya in Arabic) that was, in effect, a penalty for being non-Muslim, ...there was no penalty for being non-Muslim. Anyone could join at any time. In return for this tax, communities were allowed to police themselves and the men were free from military service. and that was typically 80% in times of tolerance and up to 150% in times of oppression. ..this is an out and out lie. It waqs NEVER more than a few dinars a year AND the very poor, widows, monks and the lame and halt were EXEMPT. This is one of the many lies the church of the East has invented to justify the embarssing fact that so FEW people "converted" to their religion. There were NEVER millions of Christians in the East before Islam came...the few Christians there were were more than likely recent Jewish converts who`d been kickied out of Judea by the Romans in 70 AD. These small communitiesd settled among the tolerant pagans...and when Islam came along...surviving pagans as well as Christians converted to it because of the tangible advantages HERE on EARTH. can the same people brag about how much they suffered to remain true to many of their daughters were raped before their eyes, but they would not many sons had their throats slit on their mother`s laps, yet the Christians would NOT recant...and then come tell us in all seriousness that a TAX made them dump Jesus in a heartbeat...when the squeals and appeals of their raped daughters and bleeding sons moved them NOT??? This tax forced many of these communities to convert to Islam, as it was designed to do. ...bullshit. Everyone pays taxes and always did. For this tax, Christians received benefits. If the small tax DID "force" them to convert...then they were never very dedicated to it to begin with. This lie is the only way your silly church can explain away the reason why...after 2000 years, there are so FEW Christians in the East...and so they come with "millions murdered by Islam"...or "millions forced to convert because of high taxes"...when the plain truth is right before our witnessed by the DOCUMENTED actions of this church in "converting" people where they WERE successful..and that would be in the New World where they SLAUGHTERED people into Christ..and then taxed them to death and worked them to death ANYWAY! ...Hey, vote Republican...don`t YOU hate to pay taxes? If someone offered you the chance to never pay taxes again..and all you had to do was change your last name...again...wouldn`t you do it? > >You state, "its architects designed buildings that defied gravity." I am not sure what you are referring to, but if you are referring to domes and arches, the fundamental architectural breakthrough of using a parabolic shape instead of a spherical shape for these structures was made by the Assyrians more than 1300 years earlier, as evidenced by their archaeological record. ...and all in the Mid East ADMIT and acknowledge their debot to those who went before. It is only YOU who claim your religion gives you exclusive title to these achievements and DENIES them to any Muslim. The Christians of BetNahrain also invented NOTHING...they too benefitted by what our PAGANS had built. Christianity was not indigenous to fact, after Islam came we saw a resurgence of art and architecture and culture....until then all you had were your friggin monasteries...and all you had after was pissant was the Muslims who built the greates empire of the Medieval all real scholars know and admit...of course they used what went before them...who didn`t? Did the Assyrians NOT learn and benefit from the ass? > >You state, "its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable the building of computers, and the creation of encryption." The fundamental basis of modern mathematics had been laid down not hundreds but thousands of years before by Assyrians and Babylonians, who already knew of the concept of zero, of the Pythagorean Theorem, and of many, many other developments expropriated by Arabs/Muslims (see HISTORY OF BABYLONIAN MATHEMATICS by Otto E. Neugebauer). ...these Assyrians you speak of were not you`re so happy to point out they were not Muslim. Neither of you Jew-based religions can take the credit. Fiorina isn`t saying Muslims INVENTED this are trying to say that somehow Christians should get the CREDIT. > >You state, "its doctors examined the human body, and found new cures for disease." The overwhelming majority of these doctors (99%) were Assyrians. In the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries Assyrians began a systematic translation of the Greek body of knowledge into Assyrian. ..Islam wasn`t there as came in the 7th century. No one denies that...that isn`t the point. You Christians MAY have written all these things dopwn..but you DID nothing with took Islam and the Arabs to come and learn and be impressed and further has happened in every age. At first, they concentrated on the religious works but then quickly moved to science, philosophy and medicine. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galen, and many others were translated into Assyrian, and from Assyrian into Arabic. It is these Arabic translations which the Moors brought with them into Spain, and which the Spaniards translated into Latin and spread throughout Europe, thus igniting the European Renaissance. ...everyone knows got something else maybe? > >By the sixth century A.D., Assyrians had begun exporting back to Byzantia their own works on science, philosophy and medicine. In the field of medicine, the Bakhteesho Assyrian family produced nine generations of physicians, and founded the great medical school at Gundeshapur (Iran). Also in the area of medicine, (the Assyrian) Hunayn ibn-Ishaq's textbook on ophthalmology, written in 950 A.D., remained the authoritative source on the subject until 1800 A.D. ...this is where you get fuzzy...every Christian of your ilk claims EVERYBODY who ever lived..who did good...was "really" an Assyrian. That`s foolish and impossible...because not ONE of them was able to KEEP anything.... > >In the area of philosophy, the Assyrian philosopher Job of Edessa developed a physical theory of the universe, in the Assyrian language, that rivaled Aristotle's theory, and that sought to replace matter with forces (a theory that anticipated some ideas in quantum mechanics, such as the spontaneous creation and destruction of matter that occurs in the quantum vacuum). ...matched only by the vacuum between your ears. Can you NEVER stop whining? > >One of the greatest Assyrian achievements of the fourth century was the founding of the first university in the world, the School of Nisibis, which had three departments, theology, philosophy and medicine, and which became a magnet and center of intellectual development in the Middle East. The statutes of the School of Nisibis, which have been preserved, later became the model upon which the first Italian university was based (see THE STATUTES OF THE SCHOOL OF NISIBIS by Arthur Voobus). ...what does this have to do with anything? No one is denying what Assyrians DID...they too benefitted from all that had been DONE before their time...which is ALL the Muslims claim...and it`s all Fiorina is talking about...she isn`t sating Arabs INVENTED...she`s saying they ADVANCED. > >When Arabs and Islam swept through the Middle East in 630 A.D., they encountered 600 years of Assyrian Christian civilization, with a rich heritage, a highly developed culture, and advanced learning institutions. It is this civilization that became the foundation of the Arab civilization. ..they did not. They found pissant Assyrian villages with warring bishops whom they had to physicall restrain and keep their followerd from killing each CHURCH. They encountered a great ASSYRIAN remnant..and they proceeded to build that into a great ISLAMIC empire...while you squatted in church and scratched your arse. > >You state, "Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration." This is a bit melodramatic. In fact, the astronomers you refer to were not Arabs but Chaldeans and Babylonians (of present day south-Iraq), who for millennia were known as astronomers and astrologers, and who were forcibly Arabized and Islamized -- so rapidly that by 750 A.D. they had disappeared completely. ...they wre not forcibly anythingized....this is your plaintive song. None of these arts you mention STOPPED EVOLVING with the advance of the Arabs...rather they were ALL improved upon by tem and passed on to EUROPE and the New World...where you now crouch. > >You state, "its writers created thousands of stories. Stories of courage, romance and magic. Its poets wrote of love, when others before them were too steeped in fear to think of such things." There is very little literature in the Arabic language that comes from this period you are referring to (the Koran is the only significant piece of literature), whereas the literary output of the Assyrians and Jews was vast. The third largest corpus of Christian writing, after Latin and Greek, is by the Assyrians in the Assyrian language (also called Syriac). ...if you are going to be myopic about it...Fiorina is refering to ALL of Islam SINCE the conquest...but tell us...aside from your execrable poetry and a few "books" by Aprim...what have you done with all that VAST background? I thought so. > >You state, "when other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them, and kept them alive. When censors threatened to wipe out knowledge from past civilizations, this civilization kept the knowledge alive, and passed it on to others." This is a very important issue you raise, and it goes to the heart of the matter of what Arab/Islamic civilization represents. I reviewed a book titled HOW GREEK SCIENCE PASSED TO THE ARABS, in which author De Lacy O'Leary lists the significant translators and interpreters of Greek science. Of the 22 scholars listed, 20 were Assyrians, one was Persian and one an Arab. I state at the end of my review: "The salient conclusion which can be drawn from O'Leary's book is that Assyrians played a significant role in the shaping of the Islamic world via the Greek corpus of knowledge. ...nice try. I suspect your "author" is another Christian yourself. What you mean and what he means, no doiubt, is that CHRISTIANS should get the credit. Just remember that the greatness to CREATE came well before anyone became Christian..if it comforts you that as Christians you COPIED a lot...okay. But show us where Christians in BetNahrain BUILT anything or DID anything even remotely close to what they diod as ASSYRIANS...well before EITHER offshoot of Judaism came along to give us all the headache. If this is so, one must then ask the question, what happened to the Christian communities which made them lose this great intellectual enterprise they had established? ..."they" didn`t establish it...the pagan Assyrians did! The Christians, even in their 700 years before Islam, built nothing of significance anywhere...they were conquered by everyone who came along. One can ask this same question of the Arabs. Sadly, O'Leary's book does not answer this question, and we must look elsewhere for the answer." I did not answer this question I posed in the review because it was not the place to answer it, but the answer is very clear, the Christian Assyrian community was drained of its population through forced conversion to Islam (by the Jizzya), and once the community had dwindled below a critical threshold, it ceased producing the scholars that were the intellectual driving force of the Islamic civilization, and that is when the so called "Golden Age of Islam" came to an end (about 850 A.D.). ...Bullshit...with a capital BULL! Besides...even if you were only damn these supposedly "great" scholars and people. The Jews have certainly suffered greatly for their religion..yet I can`t imagine a SINGLE Jerw saying it was high taxes that forced them to leave their god...this is merely the fig leaf you use when you are left naked in public after claiming all these marvellous achievements for your own...after you`re done bragging about all "you" get an uncomfortable feeling that your listeners are all wondering..."what HAPPENED to you then"? And the best you can do is claim that you were all murdered...or else forced to leave all this wonderfulness because of high taxes!!! > >Islam the religion itself was significantly molded by Assyrians and Jews (see NESTORIAN INFLUENCE ON ISLAM and HAGARISM: THE MAKING OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD). ...yes..and they were moulded in THEIR YOU have been remains to be said, however, moulded into WHAT? > >Arab/Islamic civilization is not a progressive force, it is a regressive force; it does not give impetus, it retards. ...oh give it a rest you dweeb. The great civilization you describe was not an Arab/Muslim accomplishment, it was an Assyrian accomplishment that Arabs expropriated and subsequently lost when they drained, through the forced conversion of Assyrians to Islam, ..and what you praise was not a Christian was ALL Assyrian...and you too have been corrupted by YOUR rot! the source of the intellectual vitality that propelled it. What other Arab/Muslim civilization has risen since? What other Arab/Muslim successes can we cite? ...what have you managed to raise here in the West? You`ve been here over a 100 years and what have you to show for it....khiga? > >You state, "and perhaps we can learn a lesson from his [Suleiman] example: It was leadership based on meritocracy, not inheritance. It was leadership that harnessed the full capabilities of a very diverse population that included Christianity, Islamic, and Jewish traditions." In fact, the Ottomans were extremely oppressive to non-Muslims. For example, young Christian boys were forcefully taken from their families, usually at the age of 8-10, and inducted into the Janissaries, (yeniceri in Turkish) where they were Islamized and made to fight for the Ottoman state. ...soldiers were conspripted was also possible for Christians and Jews to rise to high office and control wealth,,,like the rest of you "scholars" you only select what you think makes your case for you. What literary, artistic or scientific achievements of the Ottomans can we point to? We can, on the other hand, point to the genocide of 750,000 Assyrians, 1.5 million Armenians and 400,000 Greeks in World War One by the Kemalist "Young Turk" government. This is the true face of Islam. ...the United States just wiped out 700,000 Iraqi children under the age of five...the Christian religion, only 60 years ago, murdered over six million Jews...just for BEING want more? > >Arabs/Muslims are engaged in an explicit campaign of destruction and expropriation of cultures and communities, identities and ideas. Wherever Arab/Muslim civilization encounters a non-Arab/Muslim one, it attempts to destroy it (as the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan were destroyed, as Persepolis was destroyed by the Ayotollah Khomeini). ...what did Protestants do to art in Europe? What did Christians do to the art, culture and people of HALF THE WORLD? This is a pattern that has been recurring since the advent of Islam, 1400 years ago, and is amply substantiated by the historical record. If the "foreign" culture cannot be destroyed, then it is expropriated, and revisionist historians claim that it is and was Arab, as is the case of most of the Arab "accomplishments" you cited in your speech. For example, Arab history texts in the Middle East teach that Assyrians were Arabs, a fact that no reputable scholar would assert, and that no living Assyrian would accept. Assyrians first settled Nineveh, one of the major Assyrian cities, in 5000 B.C., which is 5630 years before Arabs came into that area. Even the word 'Arab' is an Assyrian word, meaning "Westerner" (the first written reference to Arabs was by the Assyrian King Sennacherib, 800 B.C., in which he tells of conquering the "ma'rabayeh" -- Westerners. See THE MIGHT THAT WAS ASSYRIA by H. W. F. Saggs). ...Islamic culture changed drastically after the Mongol`s true...but Europe engaged in an unprecedented blood bath where Christians killed CHRISTIAN...NOT people of other faiths but of their OWN...Islam is due for a Renaissance..made that much harder by the constant interferrance of the Christian West...the NEXT Barbarian invasion they suffered. > >Even in America this Arabization policy continues. On October 27th a coalition of seven Assyrian and Maronite organizations sent an official letter to the Arab American Institute asking it to stop identifying Assyrians and Maronites as Arabs, which it had been deliberately doing. ...Apaches are called call yourself American...nothing wrong with being an Arab, in the sense that you are a citizen of an Arab Arab claims the ancients were Arabs..that is more of your bullshit...they claim that they too arew DESCENDANTS of the ancient you claim descent from the Sumerians as well as the Assyrians...after all, the ancient Assyrians didn`t hatch from eggs. > >There are minorities and nations struggling for survival in the Arab/Muslim ocean of the Middle East and Africa (Assyrians, Armenians, Coptics, Jews, southern Sudanese, Ethiopians, Nigerians...), there have been for centuries right here in the WEST! and we must be very sensitive not to unwittingly and inadvertently support Islamic fascism and Arab Imperialism, ,,,neither should you so gleefully fund American Faciam and is NOT any Muslim nation making war against children halfway round the is Christians...again. with their attempts to wipe out all other cultures, religions and civilizations. ...It was Chjristians who did this....Muslims ALLOWED other religions and cultures to you was only because of Islam and the dhimmi PROTECTION it afforded well as the MIGHT of its arms, that Byzantium was defeated and driven out...else the Eastern Romans would have KILLED you all as heretics. Islam has ALLOWED Christianity to survive and thirve since the witnessed by all the Christians STILL living and working in that region. It is incumbent upon each one of us to do our homework and research when making statements and speeches about these sensitive matters. ...and none more so than you. > >I hope you found this information enlightening. You may contact me at for further questions. ...I`m sure she will. > >Thank you for your consideration. ...sure thing...anytime. > >Peter BetBasoo ...spell it after me J-A-S-S-I-M. --------------------- |
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