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=> UN Resolution 1636 is adopted

UN Resolution 1636 is adopted
Posted by Maggie (Guest) - Tuesday, November 1 2005, 7:10:44 (CET)
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I was watching the UN meeting on Syria today on CSPAN, and saw each and every country unanimously voted to pass resolution 1636, which is:

1) Demanding Syria fully cooperate with an international probe into Rafiq Hariri's assasination.
2) No Syrian interference into Lebanese affairs
3) If Syria does NOT accomplish both of the above demands, action will be taken against Syria.

ALL the countries voted that Syria must be punished because they are "fed-up" with political assasinations, and yet the U.S. blatanlty talks about assasinating world leaders they don't like, and no one questions it's unethical philosophy. Even though the Mellis investigation will not conclude till December 15th., they have already passed a resolution that pretty much calls for Syria's guilt based on the idea that her top officials "must" have known about the assasination attemp PRIOR to the assasination. The Syrian foreign minister said what they are saying in essence can be said about 911, the Spain bombings, the UK underground bombings, etc, that ALL of them knew PRIOR to these events that these bombings will occur. At this, Condeleesa Rice and the British foreign minister were outraged and scolded the Syrian foreign minister for his "absurd and worthless" comparison.

They will put Syria into the box next to the Iraqi box and no doubt call for a regime change!

After the meeting concluded, the president of the UN Nationaly Security came out and announced that AL Jaafari, president of Iraq just sent the UN a confirmation on resolution 1546 asking them to extend their stay in Iraq for 12 MORE months, which means as of January 1, 2006 the UN will have MAJOR PRESENCE in Iraq.


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