The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> what's the point...

what's the point...
Posted by Dr Pancho (Guest) - Sunday, March 19 2006, 22:32:48 (CET)
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...I swear....dealing in Assria is like being confined with a bunch of hillbillies when everyone else has left the building.

Simple solution to the “Assyrian Safe Haven” issue.

Posted By: CDA (Certified Devil Advocate) (
Date: Sunday, 19 March 2006, at 1:26 p.m.

Simple solution to the “Assyrian Safe Haven” issue.

The Assyrians that believe in an “Assyrian Safe Haven” should work and make it happen, and then, leave it to the Assyrians people to decide. got that? "The people who believe in warp speed should develop it and fly to the end of the universe." The complete lack of any sense for how you actually DO something is not only lacking but not even considered important...all these people do is wish for something...and then say "let's make it come true". And it stops stops because they're confident that another set of hillbillies will begin to argue over the desired result and ALL sides will call "work" arguing about what none of them have the faintest notion of how to achieve.

The Assyrians that like to live in it should have the option to move there. Financial assistance can be secured to help these Assyrians to relocate to the ASH. This can open a wave of return by the Assyrians from other countries.'s all in the air. None of it is based or grounded in anything but they WANT..or what they feel they DESERVE. The reason that they all behave like children is because they THINK like children...children who grew accustomed to Mommy giving them what they clamored for and now view the United Nations or Bush or Jesus as the NEXT loving and doting parent who will give them what they want.

The Assyrians that that don’t like to live among other Assyrians, can spread all over the Iraq and live any where they wish, Basra, Karbala, Najaf etc. Of course,

...which is where they were all living BEFORE this war was brought by America.

they can always move back to ASH if they did not have stomach for the incoming civil war.

...marvellous. No wonder they have to ban the rest of us so these brilliant fools can feel safe...these people have run from everything that ever confronted them...and they'd do it again if you didn't make aina a protected preserve for damfools.


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