The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> 1553

Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, January 15 2010, 9:00:09 (CET)
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every nationalist seems to know something interesting about this time. it is commonly believed that a major split happened between the nestorian church and a larger portion reunited with rome. this group was named "chaldeans" and every student of fred aprim is an "expert" on this. they even quote from catholic sources to prove their case, but these fanatics are blind to see that this does not prove their claims at all. those who joined rome were nestorians and not "assyrians" and there was no "assyrian identity" at this time. what our nationalists repeat like parrots is not accurate for there was a split between the nestorians, who were aramean speaking community but definitely not an "assyrians community". they yet fail to realize that the brits played a bigger game with rest of nestorians. they not only created an "assyrians identity" but also used them, got them killed and eventually ruined their reputation. they took this scam too serious and went as far as assasinating their patriarchs or worse.


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