The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> If You Stop To Think About It....

If You Stop To Think About It....
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Tuesday, March 20 2007, 16:31:46 (CET)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...If you`re the sort to do that sort of`d have to wonder why on earth any Christian would WANT to be identified with the ancient Assyrians...who are presented as the Mob Family deluxe in the bible? In fact, most Assyrian kids I knew growing up expressed their dismay at having teachers talk about the "savage" Assyrians in class...and this negative view of them has only recently begun to change..and at that, people like Parpola and that ditz Dr Ross think to clean up the ancients by praising them for renouncing their ancient heritage in favor of Jesus, or attributing the seeds of Christianity to if THAT made them okay.

Ever since I started mixing more with modern Assyrians I sensed destructive character traits, things at odds with what they said about their pride, they all seem to share...things that could only be explained if you accepted the dawning realization that at their very core Assyrian Christians are torn and divided against themselves...their Christian self against their Assyrian self.

Self-hatred of a profound nature is all I could find to explain make sense of the contradictions in what they say about their "pride" in being descended from what the bible tells were gangsters and their joy in their piety and Christian heritage...the meek-and-mild verses the savage warrior heritage are at constant war within each of them and the result is a person who feels far more active pride in one half of his character than in the other half.

All the national pride talk is just that, "Talk". How else to explain the poor showing at those meaningless polls? How else explain the fact that so few, so very few, show up for rallies and martyr fests and "great" meetings where they can express their pride?

How else to explain that the first thing Assyrians do when they hit the ground is build a church...and that this is all they do?

It`s a most uncomfortable fit, this being Assyrian and meek and mild Christians...Christians who gelded themselves when they gelded "their" Lamasu...why are we such efficient clowns when it comes to our pride? I mean REALLY...what pride?


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