Khomeni Made Me Do It.... |
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- Sunday, June 1 2008, 22:01:45 (CEST) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Now there’s a curious proposition for you. Warren Jeffs marries and fucks his twelve-year old bride and Minime says it’s all Khomeni’s fault…talk about not being able to take responsibility for yourself. I’m surprised they don’t grab an innocent bystander and crucify HIM to cleanse Jeffs of this crime. Well, in a way that’s exactly what Minime did by introducing Khomeni as Jeff’s inspiration…once down that road it’s hard to stop blaming others for your own crimes…like attacking Iraqis because they “threaten” our way of life when we’re the ones who want to steal their oil and haven’t just threatened their way of life but effectively ruined it…or Christians “defended themselves” by the Holocaust against “attacks” by Jews… But we know Minime well by now, we know that his sole purpose in life is to distract people from seeing him and his bloody religion for what he, and it, is. Jeffs commits fornication with a minor…so Minime wants to conveniently pin the blame on Islam. Christians eat human flesh and drink human blood so naturally Minime blames Jesus for being “misunderstood”…for not speaking clearly…something he then proceeds to “correct” in Jesus…and, of course, millions of Christians “got it wrong”. Minime provides what we’re supposed to believe are actual quotations from the Quran justifying Jeffs. Other then being beside the point, where this particular Christian’s crime is concerned, I think we’re safe in assuming that we shouldn’t trust anything Minime presents as direct quotes from the Quran. I mean the guy doesn’t even know a direct quote from the Bible when he sees it, so how can we trust that he knows the Quran? And, in light of the post here by Tiglath about the similarly lying email regarding Muslims supposedly rejecting the Holocaust(when it’s Christians who deny it), we have to keep in mind that these people aren’t above lying to spread their propaganda so it’s entirely possible Minime has invented his own quotes from the Quran as well as from the mouth of Khomeni…at least we should wait until AssyrianMuslim weighs in on their accuracy. It’s interesting too that Minime all of a sudden is prepared to accept the literal truth of the WORD, spoken as well as written, when it supposedly occurs in the Quran but is NOT prepared to admit its literal truth when it appears in the Bible. Are we to assume then that the Quran is the actual word of God while the Bible is not? Where Jesus says “eat my flesh”, Minime insists the words don’t really mean that…similarly with the quote about Jesus coming with a sword, he says it means something quite different from an actual sword. These are the games propagandists play. Our game is the one open forums play. In Muhammad’s day it was common practice to marry young girls…everyone did it. Times and customs change, but not for some Muslims and not for some Christians, obviously…but to excuse Jeffs by citing Khomeni is too obvious a ploy…where did Minime’s claim that “all religions are alike” go to? If he means what he says why not admit the obvious fact, in this instance, that, if not “all” religions, then clearly Islam and Christianity are indeed alike in the case of marriage to young girls…that, at least, is a valid position and no slander on either, that is not until Minime tries to blame Islam for his own crimes. Christianity alone, however, teaches cannibalism, and so is most definitely not “like all the rest”. Clearly it is significantly and gruesomely different in this regard…for while marriage to young girls was practiced by all religions way back then, cannibalism was not and had ceased to be by all civilized people…except the Christians who made it the centerpiece and absolute requirement for Gang initiation into their religion and entry to Paradise. That is extremely odd and unheard of. For the same person, who tells us that Jesus did NOT mean real flesh, to pop up now and say that Khomeni “INSPIRED” Jeffs, a Christian, is, well….it’s just the kind of thing these rat bastard Christian propagandists try to get away with….this being a free and open forum they of course can’t do that and will instead resort to virgins and monkeys and shitheads by way of “response” to being exposed for the liars, as well as ineffective propagandists, they are. If this was a Christian forum my response to Minime would never see the light of day…if this was a Muslim one, we might delete Minime’s post about Khomeni or any of the ones he posts slandering Islam. But we’re after knowledge here, not propaganda and we’re not beholden to any religion or point of view…why, we even had to teach a Christian what Jesus actually said about eating him. Nothing serves our purpose better than a free and open forum…the fact that we provide a stage from where Minime and Jumblat and the rest of them can undress for us is all we need do by way of exposing the little motherfuckers, if that was our only aim…but it isn’t. All we want is freedom of speech and thought…to say anything and be able to challenge anything….if on top of Freedom we must provide protection, so brave Assyrian Warriors don’t get “insulted”, then we have to pass….that’s not part of the bargain when you demand freedom. If you can’t maintain or defend your lies then what you really want is a Mommy/Moderator/Bully who will shield you…it seems most unbecoming for so-called Assyrians, who call for a MILITIA to FIGHT for their “rights” against the Muslim world to require protection from mere words…when they claim to be willing to let bullets do their worst. It’s helpful to point out what crybabies, as well as liars, these nationalists are. That isn’t slander either, or propaganda…it’s the simple truth. And knowing it is, we openly welcome any and all challenges, even of the “you are stupidstupidstupid” kind. By challenge we mean reasoned argument based on facts and evidence…but. Like I said, we’ll settle for a good rant, if that’s the best to be hoped for. Coming after a lying bit of propaganda nothing exposes it for what it is better than a good rant or, in Jumblat’s case, a year of silence followed by a hasty retreat. It is a dismal fact that throughout almost all of recorded history woman has been treated badly, to say the least. In the case of Islam, Muhammad improved the lot of women considerably in his day and some would argue that Christ did the same…it isn’t his fault that Rome has more prostitutes per-capita than any other city in the world….neither is it Muhammad’s fault that Khomeni is who he is. Muslims don’t have the immense porn industry Christian countries tax, so while girls might be married off rather young in Muslim countries, they aren’t shackled to beds for Christian tourists. That’s some improvement and we can only hope more of the same will sweep the world one day. Perhaps it’s better to be honorably married, even at ten, than to be dishonorably handled at he same age and younger by Christians on sex-tours around the world. Best of all would be to free girls of both…and we might just get there one day. It’s also good to remember that Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity. Go back in Christian history seven centuries and you’ll see such crimes against humanity as would make Khomeni blush. That would be around the 1400s, a time when Christians raped and married nine year old girls as well as anyone, while eating human flesh and drinking human blood, which no one else did, certainly not as part of a religion. A time also before the Protestant Reformation appeared to question, however slightly, such disgusting practices…rituals which were most definitely taught for 1,400 years as involving REAL human flesh and blood. I’ve no desire to cover up abuses in Islam any more than I want to expose crimes in Christianity just for the hell of it or as part of an attack on the one and a white-wash of the other. But, this is precisely what Minime and Jumblat and many of our other national thugs try to do…that is, to slander Islam while covering up their own Christian crimes. To point out that both Christians and Muslims marry young girls is no is the truth. But to claim a Christian learned this from a Muslim is an outrageous lie and a ham-fisted attempt to excuse Christians while shifting their “inspiration” onto a Muslim…pretty pathetic and obvious too. Caught with their pants down and Minime’s one finger up Jumblat’s arse and his other stroking his own balls, Minime cries out, “Khomeni made me do it”! That’s pretty much the core of Christian propaganda right there. They’ve done it before in the case of the Jews of whom they murdered six million based on the same kinds of lies and propaganda they’re now using against Muslims…even to the point of claiming they were “defending” themselves from Jewish ATTACKS!. We can hope that Islam will go through its own Renaissance one day soon and rid itself of the lingering abuse of women and girls. But it hardly excuses Christians who do these same things. Jeffs learned to fuck young girls from Christianity, not Islam. Let’s condemn anyone who does these things, but let’s not allow Minime to remove responsibility from Christians for their acts by claiming Islam taught them...or the Death Camps were merely the prisons they were forced to put Jewish “attackers” in, for safe-keeping. One thing they learned from no one else but invented themselves is cannibalism as religious ritual…especially as a coming-of-age for ten-year old girls, and boys. While it was common enough in that day and age to marry a ten-year old girl, only Christians forced her to eat human flesh and drink human blood as part of the wedding feast. Nothing they say can distance themselves from the words of Jesus, as quoted in their own Bible. Nothing except to set themselves up as” knowing” that Jesus didn’t mean what he said. Is this a religion of god or of men? Minime can’t speak for his town mayor yet he presumes to correct the God of the universe? This is a religion of “humility”? This forum isn’t a propaganda site or a hate-mongering one…it’s a site open to all points of view and open to being challenged on each and every one. I can write, freely, whatever I believe and so can anyone else. We strongly encourage people to cite their sources and explain their process of arriving at opinions, but they can just rant if they want. Writing what I believe and sharing what I read is hardly propaganda…not when I offer sources, explain the steps by which I reach conclusions and leave people free to reject and ignore whatever I write while championing their own views…same as with Minime and Jumblat. While Minime, Jumblat, Magpie and the rest of them tell us to “go read this”, sending us to some other locale, we bring our evidence right here and stick it in front of their faces. We all labor under the same rules…except for one thing…Minime and Jumblat LIE…they make statements they know they cannot back up. That’s at least one significant difference…they also try to distract us from the issues when the hot finger of truth points too closely at their lies….as, for instance, by seeking to distract us from Jeffs’ Christian wedding-night plan by claiming Khomeni taught it to him. In Muslim countries today when a newspaper or commentator says that Christian governments “pose a threat to Muslims” it isn’t a lie, it isn’t propaganda. It isn’t hate-mongering…it’s the bloody truth as the illegal war against a civilian population, plus the inaccurate and one-sided views on Islam and Muslims, clearly shows. By contrast, in Christian countries, when a news source or politician or religious leader says that Islam “poses a threat to Christianity”, it is a LIE, it is PROPAGANDA and it’s HATE-MONGERING. Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11…Islam did NOT cause the Holocaust and Islam does NOT hate Jews. If some in Islam are angry with the Christian United States it’s because of what its government DOES…not what it IS. Jews and Christians have lived in peace for centuries among Muslims when Jews and Muslims were both murdered and discriminated against in Christian countries. If I felt the way they do I’d probably do as they would, if they could, and simply ban and delete them…the fact that we never do that means there’s no propaganda site here…because banning opposing voices is the first thing a propagandist does….the next thing he does, if he has not the power to delete, is to lie and confuse and distract people from considering all points of view and judging things for themselves. Towards that end he produces lies to tip the scales to his side…this works on their own forums but not here. In the end they’re always reduced to “shithead” and virgin monkeys…which does more than anything else to pull the rug out from under themselves…from somewhere they learned, as a “tactic”, utterly destroying their own credibility IF they might smear their opponents in the process…a sort of grand flame-out Kamakaze dive which, while it burns them to a crisp, might at least singe their adversary. It doesn’t, of course….hence Minime’s mounting vaginal hysteria and Jumblat’s periodic trips abroad. The reason my emphasis is on Christian crimes is because they are the most criminal of either Jews or Muslims in ACTIONS. It isn’t Muslims who murdered six million Jews, it’s Christians who did this…it wasn’t Muslims who chased Jews out of Europe, it was Christians…and it was Christians, not European Jews, who stole Muslim lands to accommodate the victims of their own crimes, thereby setting the MidEast in a constant state of turmoil for the last 60 years, the effects of which Jews and Muslims are suffering to this day, while Christian industrialists and war mongers take tons of cash from our Treasury to “defend” us…when Jews and Muslims had always been good friends, far better than Christian and Christian, until the Christians set them against each other. It is Christians who are again spreading lies against another people…this time Muslims…just as they did against Jews. It is Christians who’re waging illegal wars against people who never did them any harm, not Muslims. Iraqis are desperately protecting themselves from Christian Terrorist governments. For these reasons we’re forced to confront Christian criminality by CHRISTIANS and when we see Jumblat and Minime come on here to spread these lies, even to trying to excuse a Christian fucker by blaming it on a Muslim…we have to speak out. But we’ll always allow them to respond as they choose…even with virgins and monkeys if they can’t think of anything else. If Christians would leave the world in peace…we’d leave THEM in peace. But since they insist on violently intruding everywhere while claiming their religion is superior to all others…a false position they maintain by spreading lies about the others while covering up their own multitude of crimes…well, fair play requires that we speak out…as it also does that we allow them the same freedoms to even post lies whenever they want, if that’s all they can think to do, confident that it’s always easy, and fun too, to shoot them down. It was Minime and Jumblat who tried to claim moral superiority for Christianity by railing against Muslim girl-marriage. That being the case, the first shot being fired by them, it was only right to remind them that Christians did this sort of thing too. Seeing this, Minime thought to excuse himself and shift the focus by saying Khomeni made him do it. There’s a seeker of truth for you. While Muslims and Christians both marry young girls…it is only Christians who teach their children to eat human flesh and drink human blood…plus the other disgusting rituals they profess…while both religions allow child brides at least Islam never taught cannibalism and vampirism, both universally condemned and revolting crimes, as “religion”. Maybe Christians could learn this from Khomeni as well, I mean to forego this disgusting ritual…whatever else you want to say about Khomeni, he at least didn’t advocate eating human flesh and drinking human blood…..that remains exclusively Christian fast-food…Biblical take-out. --------------------- |
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