No Genocide in 1915...says Sweden |
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- Saturday, June 21 2008, 20:35:12 (CEST) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |'s about TIME! If the Turks are to be held accountable for a genocide then the countries demdning this have to first confess their own genoicidal treatment of their minorities....and which of them will go first? Turkey has NOTHING to apologize was WAR the United States apologizing for what it's doing right NOW in Iraq? Did the United States not hundreds of thousands of its OWN people during the Civil War? Have Christian nations not killed millions of their FELLOW CHRISTIANS? The Europeans called Turkey the "sick old man of Europe"...and they proposed the cure: WAR. A war to get oil because coal was fouling the air of their cities and couldn't provide the power to run their machines and military...and Europe had NO oil of its own. And they're back there again...making wars in order to profit from the oil in the former Ottoman lands.....who apologized to Turkey for STARTING that war? Or stealing its lands and resources? ALL Turks suffered during that time...besides which the Armenians rose in rebellion..a group took over the central bank and threatened to blow it up and they were stockpiling arms...even if they didn't LIKE life in Turkey...Afro-Americans didn't like life in Alabama...but that would be no justification for armed resistance...hell, they got killed for MARCHING...and sitting at LUNCH COUNTERS...just asking for voting rights got them murdered! If any group had DARED take up arms to fight for their rghts they would have been cut down in an instant...Turkey knew what the Aremenians were up to...and they retaliated as ANY nation would have...for the rest, there was mass -starvation from which everyone suffered...there were most definitely reprisals...but so what? Has that NEVER happened before? What about he thousands of Blacks lynched in America since the Civil War? Who expects and demands an apology for that? What happned in Tureky was not a government policy, except for striking at rebels....people, all of them poor and stressed and with the Muslims pissed as hell at the Christians ganging up on them and forcing fathers and sons to defend the country, many of them never to return... naturally RESENTED their own Christian minorities..and not without good cause since the Christians were the conduit by which the Christian missionaries first entered to later call on their governments to "protect" the locals whom they ENCOURAGED to cause trouble, as a way of making appeals for "security"...and the Turks were RIGHT to suspect them because they were the forerunners of those who came later to kill and steal came to pass. The demand for an apology for a "genocide" is nothing more than the usual Christian attempt and desire to cast aspersions against if only Islam has, or IS, killing innocent people! Bravo to Sweden, whatever their motivation, for doing the thing that is right to do...slap this silly attempt to single out the Turks when Christian nations have been so clearly guilty of far worse and think to shift focus onto Turks while covering up their own far greater, and more recent, crimes. Just since 1915 Christian nations have klilled how many inncoent people....started how many "police actions" and warlettes in how many parts of the world? Not to mention encouraging and funding murderous detah sqauds in how many countries? How many??? Aganist the 750,000 Christians allegedly done to death by Turkey, we place the over 700,000 Iraqi CHILDREN..just children and all of them UNDER FIVE years old, who died horrible deaths as a direct result of Sanctions placed against Iraq by the Christian United States and other Christian, oily, nations.. That doesn't count all the rest who've been killed and maimed and whose lives have been ruined forever...and this is over 17 years....and persists today even when the WHOLE WORLD now admits the war was waged through LIES and decpetion, but they STILL won't stop. Is this a Christian thing? Where's the apology? Here's hoping that this thinly disguised exercise in racism and bigotry dies a final death...of COURSE it was tragic that ANYONE died in that war..or any other. But singling out Turkey and expecting Turkey to do what no other nation of warlike people has done, by apologizing, is just more of the same Islam-bashing the West engages they USED to bash Jews until they killed six million of them and stuck the remnant in the desert surrounded by hotile Arabs who have every reason to resent this further Christian crime....a final act of their Final Solution. Give it a rest. --------------------- |
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