The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: A moron person like you have that problem too....

Re: A moron person like you have that problem too....
Posted by Ashur Beth-Shlimon (Guest) - Monday, September 14 2009, 8:10:37 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

The Assyrian muslim thinks if someone says I am an Arab , could be not Arab but he is speaking about geographical Arabia .
That says all how stupid you are , because what is the way to tell any person his nationality ? is not by telling you he is Arab , British , French or Russian !
Since you converted to Islam , you became declining in thinking because you resiting kuran which is NOTHING but stolen from the old mythology of the Middle East , the best example what has to do Alexander the great in such verses claimed to be from GOD , or for GOD sake what you translated " HAROUT & Marout " moron ?
The English translation is wrong and distorted to make the book look good , I will give a good news , there will be soon a new version rightly translated of your KURAN and for sure should all the old copies of this book be collected or banned because those translated this book they pocketed good fortune from that EVIL KINGDOM which is supporting Islam and opening colleges and universities in the western countries even in the U.S. , but be assured they are UNDER WATCH and sooner or later you hear the good news , BUT IT TAKES TIME , because these stupid thinking nobody is alarmed by their action, but it is wrong.


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