The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: American "social policy"...

Re: American "social policy"...
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Friday, August 7 2015, 2:40:06 (UTC)
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That happened to me one day when I was walking home with my sister. A cop on foot approaches me from behind and tells me to hold it right where I was and told me to put my hands behind my head. Another one who was in civilian clothes came from behind me and handcuffs me. They start telling me there was just a robbery and the suspect fits my description. This is all in front of my sister who was a child at the time. Later on I'm listening to the dispatcher and she tells them white male over six feet tall and they both say this guy is not six feet and he's Hispanic. They let me go as if they weren't wrong about it. I have been stopped and harassed so many times it's ridiculous. They racially profile me and profile my car. I've even had supervisors at work tell me that I'm being profiled by these ignorant cops. Recently I was walking home from work during the day and I got stopped by a cop who asked me a bunch of questions and asked for my license so he can see if I have warrants out for my arrests.

I was talking to my bank teller who is of Lebanese and Spanish descent(born and raised in Spain) and he said he feels uncomfortable too when American cops are behind him and that he can't help but feel like a criminal. I told the last cop who pulled me over for not having seat belt on and who asked me about drugs, if I were a white woman driving a 2015 car that he wouldn't even look in my direction but because I'm not rich and white I must be a criminal. That's another reason I refuse to put down white as my race even though the census bureau says we're white. If we were white, we would be accepted and not treated like this. We're not white in their eyes and that is cool with me because I don't like them anyway.


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