The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Assyria and God part 5

Re: Assyria and God part 5
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, November 22 2007, 18:37:06 (CET)
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It is clear that Assyrians and all of mankind always knew about the Creator and a party among them were believers and lived right while the others chose otherwise. Christianity did not bring God to Assyria or Mesopotamia but it was something always known and available. For example Abraham or Ibrahim (pbuh) he was from Mesopotamia, he preached and lived there for some time before leaving the land. His father, who sounds very much like an Assyrian, threatened to stone him to death if he did not stop his "crazy talk" and if did not stop insulting his gods. Ibrahim said "peace be with you" (As Salaam Aleykom) and may God forgive you on the day of judgement. His father threatened to kill him if he did not stop his talking. So, Ibrahim packed ands left. In the end it is clear, that there was always the worship of one the one God and those who obeyed their messengers became believers or Muslims of their time. For example, the Assyrians who obeyed their messengers were the righteous and the Muslims(those who submitted to God) while those who didn't were not.

Is as simple as that. I still laugh when I hear some village priest tell me, Muhammad(pbuh) copied his religion from Judaism, Christianity, Zorostaerism, Greek pagan religion, Hindu religion etc. They further tell me that there were people before Muhammad in Arabia and elsewhere who rejected idolitry and worshipped the Creator(Allah) and prayed several times a day, and I am going "huh" are you so stupid to help prove us more correct? they don't realize when they make such comments and provide such evidence they are only proving how true the message of Islam is. For Muhammad(pbuh) never claimed to have brought a new religion on earth. The message has always been the same all along. Every prophet among the thousands who came to mankind in ancient times and before Muhammad(pbuh) brought the same geberal message of "la ilaha il Allah" or "None to be worshipped except the ONE". Their general message was the same while their individual tasks or laws may have differed from place to place and age to age.

But, it is absolutely false to claim that Assyrians and others did not know God or that ancient people were some "ignorant fools" who only learned of mercy, love, forgiveness and true worshipp after Christianity. People always knew and just as today there are corrupt people, but there are also good people who love God and do what is right on earth. We do not have to sell everything we got and wait on the Messiah to live on a smoky clowd or just sit and not do anything. That is the whole purpose of life and this creation. If we were only created to have some one pay the price for "sin" that we never committed in first place, what is our point? why be good and still have to obey and try to live a righteous life if our sins are forgiven by somne one else going to the cross? and if God is so desperetly in need of "blood sacrifice" in order to forgive sins, what kind of mercy is that? Hold all of mankind for who knows how many thousands and thousands of years accountable for an "error" that was committed by a husband and wife, and only some one elses death can fix it, is not mercy at all.

He punishes us for a crime we never committed, and only the blood of the innocent Jesus(pbuh) can pay for it. So we are punished for a crime committed by someone else and forgiven by the payment of someone else. What is that called? Thank God there is light at the end of the tunnel and as Islam teaches instead of "original sin" there is "original mercy" and that is the first biggest difference between Islam and Christianity. In islam every human is born in a state of Islam(born to submit to God, come to know him and know basic right ffrom wrong) and it is only after family influence that we are turned into Christian, Jew and whatever else there is. Should a person grow to maturity and begin seeking knowledge without prejudices and come to recognize the message of Islam, that person is not joining a religion or converting, but simply returning to his original nature which was to worship God correctly.

In Islam, the definition of worship is not the same as Christianity or some other "isms", but it is everything we in life from prayer, fasting, believe, marriage, work, standing up for justice, being charitable, being sincere, kind, earning a lawful income, providing for family and others, studying, learning, traveling, sleeping, eating, resting, having sexual intercourse with the spouse, and everything else one can imagine in life is worship. It is not just calling on God all day and not doing anything in life other than wait to go live on a beautiful white clowd with a blondish looking Jesus(pbuh) clap hands, sing songs and watch some big huge white guy with a belly sitting on a golden chair with his feet over the earth's clobe. There is in reality one human race of which there are various colors, nations and languages, but they are one creation and one humanity. So, let's give some more credit to the ancient Assyrians and others who always imagines as being "ignorant" and wild beasts with out mercy. There were good among them and true believers just as there are good human beings and true believers today.

Christianity, with all due respect, turned the Syriac speaking peoples and Christians in general into various hostile tribes which have never seen eye to eye or been able to even play a soccer match together. Just see when Chaldeans and Assyrians get together for a party or some other event. It is actually their churches which have turned them against eachother and given them different names for each denomination. Whether one calls himself Chaldean Assyrian or Aramean it don't matter and it shouldn't be because of church or religion. And I hope no one takes this the wrong way, twists my comments around or tries to accuse me of dissing Jesus(pbuh), but it is quiet the opposite and he is innocent of all the things attributed to him or done in his name.



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