The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Assyria and God part 5

Re: Assyria and God part 5
Posted by Muncho (Guest) - Saturday, November 24 2007, 0:04:29 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:


All religions are the Same. The difference is in how people interpret it...

You have ignorant Muslims just like you have ignorant christians... You have good and bad people in every religion...

When christians or muslims are bad, DON'T blame their religion... Blame thier ignorance...

I know you have stated that all religions are based on the same concept of "God's Messengers", but, for you to imply that the Muslim religion is "truer" than others, is simply ignorance on your part...

The Quran has as much falsified, misinterpreted, and misunderstood stuff in it, as any other religious book...

Do not try to defend one religion at the expence of another... Believe what you want and leave others alone to believe what they want...


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