The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Bible barons: How the GOP uses religion...

Re: Bible barons: How the GOP uses religion...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, March 4 2014, 16:33:47 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title: so true. The cynical manipulation of children and weak-headed, poorly educated people by the Church, first, then picked up by politicians is a crime against humanity of the worst sort...the worst sort because it has such benign-sounding and "good" front.

...religion is supported by politicians for just this reason: it does half the job, and early on at that, of turning people against themselves, under the guise of promising them "paradise" forever. And it's nothing was just this kind of abuse that led to the Protestant Reformation...and later Voltaire's campaign to "wipe out the infamy" of Church and religious crimes....but, we never went far enough...we never killed religion outright, just wounded it and left it enough life to crawl back into the body politic.

..the best way to kill religion is let it starve itself....these last decades of religious "revival" in America and elsewhere have done more damage to religion than any organized campaign could have done...they more they preach, the more they expose their venality and utter hypocrisy....let those states get poorer and poorer...let the population get dumber and dumber...and let fascism grow and grow....look at what happened to Fascist States before.


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