The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: HUREYAT having sleepless NIGHTS Assyrian MUSLIM!

Re: HUREYAT having sleepless NIGHTS Assyrian MUSLIM!
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Friday, April 18 2008, 21:09:11 (CEST)
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>If Islam doesn't have infidels, but they got ' KAFIRS ' it is the same, because Islam not warn people to associate with these KAFIRS only

..Christians warn people and made it illegal to mary

, they go after them and plunder them mean Christians have never plundered anyone? Are you serious? Is Iraq NOT being plundered right now?

, at least CHRISTIANS they tolerate the INFIDELS to practice their way of life

..oh really? Christian historians have documented the many crimes of Christianity against everyone...even Christians themselves....In ONE 24 hour perios Christian Catholics killed 10,000 OF their Christian Protestant neighbors and family members...and the pope had the bells rung for joy in Rome.

and not as ISLAM who is the main concern to PROTECT THE DOMAIN OF WAR /دار الحرب with any means and further EXPAND the other DOMAIN THE DOMAIN OF ISLAM / دار الاسلام any Christian can criticize Islam for WAR and expanding their domain is amazing...showing how blind and stupid you have to be. .
>Your Islam doesn't tolerate non Islamic people, but plunder them that is the reason your EMBLEM is the SWORD

..and that you Christians love to execute innocent people is shown by YOUR emblem of the CROSS...which is nothing more than the tool used to kill people would be weeping to a RIFLE if Jesus had been shot by a firing squad....what a sily person you are...all of this to avoid answering the simple question of where your PROOF is..instead you once again launch into these rabid howlings.

and most Arab Generals were awarded to be the SWORD of ISLAM, not because were tolerate, but because they achieved ISLAM through blood

...history, not your hysteria, shows they did NOT spread Islam with the sword...they extended the sphere of their politcal every Christian king and president has done...history shows us, and you can't contradict it, that it was Christians who spread Christianity with swords and huns and knives and bombs...this is not MY imagination but the writing of world-famous historians..and you STILL can't bring anything to refute it except more of your own personal ravings.

- just remember whenever you see a PHOTO of QUR'AN you will see underneath it the SWORD with those special words NO GOD BUT GOD AND MESSENGER OF GOD !

...that's bullshit pure and simple....this is how desperate you become because you KNOW history doesn't back you up.

and for GOD sake what the sword do with a book you consider to be holy ? please answer that without spinning and detracting from my simple question and why good fighters have that title?

...sure. Just as soon as you answer the questions put to you a thousand times and more...which are

1. Where is the historical proof, from valid and recognized sources, that Islam forcibly converted people on pain of death.

2. That Islam murdered people JUST for their religion?

Show us the us that we HAVE to answer each and every question you pose by answering just these TWO questions that have been put to you for years...go ahed....TRY IT!!!


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