The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Mr Suave has NOT been BANNED

Re: Mr Suave has NOT been BANNED
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Wednesday, October 7 2009, 23:37:31 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Of course he is not banned by you but he has banned himslef as they always do. Their answer is always "they have no time to waste with propagandists" but who are the ones spreading the propaganda, us or them? Do we ban people, hide, dlete their messages? Do I or anyone sceretley email you and ask for so and so to be banned? Even if we were spreading propaganda and lies, where is the truth to defeat us with? Anyone and every asshole is given the chance to come on here and undress him/herself so where are they and who is about propaganda?


The full topic:

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