Re: Pancho |
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- Thursday, February 7 2008, 12:17:16 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Shlama19 wrote: >I'm gonna quote everything you wrote for me in this thread and once I'm done I'm outta here since clearly you're more about insults and hatred rather than discussion. I said. You're new here. We've heard all this for seven years now. We know what you all say before you leave. > > far as I'm concerned they're all fairy tales...nut Islam is not the bloody scourge that Christianity has been...Islam hasn't started World Wars...Islam didn't drop atom bombs on women and children...Islam didn't murder six million innocent Jews for their religion...Islam didn't force people to convert, or kill them if they didn't as Christianity has you see there are fairy tales and then there are fairy tales...your fairy tale is murdering Iraqis...the Muslim fairy tale is struggling to defend BetNahrain. > >I think you're confussing the term Christians by name with Christians who actually observe Christianity, nowhere has Hitler came out and said anything in the name of Jesus so your 6 million Jew argument against Christianity goes out the garbage. ...he didn't have to. That would have been indelicate and pissed the Church off to much. He was born into and raised in Christianity...and Christianity has been teaching its children to despise Jews and persecute themn...the most recent Holocaust wasn't the first people have done this same thing for hundreds of years...and now you're beginning on Muslims, this time you ARE mentioning Jesus, though....congratulations for dragging him into it openly. I suppose that's progress. If any one of you said what you say about Muslims today...about Jews, you'd be hauled into court as hate-mongers, bigots and worse....but because it's Muslims, it's all okay and "true"...the very same thing Christians were saying about Jews in Berlin in're the same people, teaching the same hatred and lies....only this time your target is Islam. > >But what I find funny is that you talk so much crap about how backwards Christian countries are and how great people have it in Muslim countries (Since you claim us Christians lived such a wonderful life under Muslims), my question to you is why are you a hypocrite living in the west? ...I never said that. Muslim countries have been devastated by the Christian West...starting with the between the Mongols came and totally destroyed what Christian historians admit was the most refined culture of its day, the Great Islamic much of Latin America for the last 50 years, the West has maintained thugs and tyrants in power in those countries....but a Renaissance in Islam will come....Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity...go back 700 years in your history and see what kinds of horrors were being compare things that are comparable. In Islam's golden age Christian nations were wallowing in pig shit and's thanks to Islam that the clasics of the ancient Greeks and Assyrians and Persians and Babylonians were preserved and eventually pased on to the Christian West....Islam GAVE modern culture to Europe...but I haven't the time to educate you...there are thousands of university courses and excellent books, written by Christians, through which you could broaden your horizons from what you were told as a child. if you love the justice and peace that Islam provides for its citizens why are you living under a Christian nation? ..the United States is NOT a Christian is a country that has avoided rule by welcomes and allows all people to practise their religions...when the day comes, if it does, that Islam becomes the dominant religion...then we'll see how it it stands now Islam is the fastest growing religion in the West...what you are calling Muslim, applies to thugs which the United States plants and keeps in power. ..besides which, America depends upon a loyal opposition to keep it honest...real Americans stay right where they are and keep working and talking and writing to keep it true to its better think we're going to go away and leave it to people like YOU? I'm not loking for a place to retire...America is the octopus whose power reaches into smaller nations around the world, using people and destroying them...if you want to fight the octopus you don't go sit at the edge of its tentacles, you stay close to its its heart. why don't you go to Saudi Arabia or Egypt and see how they treat you there? ...we heard all of that when we criticized the Vietnam war..."why don't you go to Russia if you don't support the war?" What the hell does that have to do with anything? I'm not seeking a haven...I'm looking to keeping up the good America doesn't sink under Christian Sharia Law. your claims are quite absurd and funny because you talk so much crap about these Christian nations yet these very Christian nations opened their arms to you and the millions of Muslims out there and gave you freedom in their land yet you return them with this garbage. was not because they are CHRISTIAN! The Founding Fathers despised much of Christianity...they knew if left to itself it would make America a bloody battlefield for Jesus as it had done to sooner did the persecuted Christians get here than they set up shop and started persecuting all over people are dangerous...left to yourselves you willd estroy the very freedome you pretend to respect...Iraq openned its arms to the refugees from Turkey and Persia...and look how they treated Iraq. You miss trhe point entirely...I want to fight for America...for the ideals and principles which make it what it is...and have the potential to make it much much better...what you see in America is the chance to set yourselves up as tyrants, somethign Saddam wouldn't let you do...look at the forums you set up, yelling at the Turks and Arabs and Kurds about allowing free speech in TRURKEY...and Egypt...when you people can't do it yourselves in AMERICA! Look at your forums, banning and deleting in order to allow "freespeech" to all who agree with's for these reasons that I, and many many others, aren't going to go live anywhere you suggest...not even in Paris or Berlin or Jerusalem...we're staying right here and work at exposing you and this campaign to take America backwards. > > one said you should...except you. But it is significant, though not to a Christian apparently, that the religion you people continuously denigrate has always shown respect for Jesus and his mother. > >the bottom line is your religion is full of lies > > >...I have no religion. Not the silly stuff you people believe in...I find I agree with Thomas Paine...all of Creation is "God's message"'s all around us and the best way to show respect and love for God is to do good to all his creations. That isn't a lie....your religion says it stopped the sun, raised the dead and turned fishes into believe such things? > >Every religion is full of lies, Islam is no different in this area, and I simply care less whether Muslims love Jesus or not, the bottom line is their own book says if you do not accept Mohammad's revelations you're doomed in hell, in other words if you do not believe Mohammad's message then you're a kaafir, simple as that. ...same thing Christianity you read at all? BUT...Islam did NOT dooma nd damn Christians on THIS earth! Thanks to the Arabs our people were saved from destruction at the hands of the Byzantines...perhaps you've heard of what Rome and Byzantium did to "heretics"? That's what we were, heretics worthy of excommunication...on top of which our bishops were killing the people with taxes and was thanks to Islam that we were NOT damned...and I for one will take this life and let heaven go to hell. > >Now I simply don't care what Islam thinks of me, I actually respect it as a religion believe it or not because there are millions of muslims out there so clearly as a religion Islam serves a purpose, but the religion is not perfect and has plenty of errors just like all the other world religions that were made by men. ...that's true. But only Christianity teaches young children to eat human flesh and drink human blood...only Christianity hangs a bleeding cadaver over an altar and "worships" it...only Christianity hangs little gold miniature instruments of torture and murder, in this case a cross, around the necks of their darling children and bids them kiss it before they sleep at night...only Christianity tells children they are "washed in the blood" of a murdered man...only Christianity teaches children that it's okay, in fact it's wonderful, to derive benefits that can ONLY come to them through the torture and murder of a most sweet Innocent...only Christianity teaches human sacrifice...and all of this in the 21st Century. While it's true that all religions have backward and unwholesome parts to them...Christianity is the absolute worst...all religions teach love and kindness and honesty, but only Christianity enforces cannibalism...I realize that like everythign else, you've become used to what you learned as a child...but there has to be some explanation for why Christians have been so damn bloody...far more than Islam ever was, or any other religion...and there they are again...10,000 miles away, killing Muslims and Christians and all of it based on greed and lies...the beginning of their second, they are NOT all alike. > >The Quran did not come down from God, it was written by men who were inspired by a God just like how the Bible and all other religious texts were written. the case of the Quran it was at least written by one man...the bible was written by people whose names are not known...and at a time way past the actual events described...that's all. > >...I'm not Muslim you jackass. > >I'm no jackass, but if you look in the mirror I think you'll find one. least it won't be a Muslim jackass. > >...bullshit. You people yell about Muslim "terrorists" and say they pose a threat to Christians...would it surprise you to know that no one, absolutely no one has killed more Christians than CHRISTIANS? You name ONE Christian country Muslims have declared war on in the last 500 years....go on. You tell us where Islam has murdered or massacred Christian minorities in the last 500 years...go ahead...tell us. But...after you repeat what your church taught you...bring us some respected historical sources that back you up...go ahead, I dare you. > >...while you're worried about Islamic "terrorists"...who have to make bombs from spare parts because no Muslim country makes weapons...while Muslim men and women, driven to distraction by Christian crimes, strap bombs to their own bodies, sacrificing themselves to defend themselves....Christian nations have over 350,000 Christian SOLDIERS, not mothers and children...highly trained...equipped with the latest and best weapons of mass destruction, tanks...aircraft carriers, missles and bombers, atomic weapons,,,fighting and occupying a country reduced to ashes...killing and raping a civiliian population trying to defend its honor and life and tell us that Islam is VIOLENT??? > >...come on...I dare your "massacres" and "opressions"...I double dare you. > >You're making yourself look like an idiot here, you just doomed Christians how they killed off 6 millions Jews and created all the wars yet you have retarded guts to actually say Muslims never massacred any Christians? ...I GAVE you the opporunity to SHOW what an idiot I am by putting your evidence here...go ahead...stop editorializing and give the evidence....I did NOT say they didn't massacre Christians...I said they didn't kill Christians FOR their religion...Semele was a doubt about it. But so what? You mean Christians never massacred people? Christians have killed more Christians than anybody else...ever! Is that not true? the instances when Islam lined up law-abiding and innocent Christians and put them death JUST because they were Christians...go it! > >Newsflash, about 90 years ago your Ottoman Muslim brother killed millions of Christians and treated them like second class citizens, thanks for coming out, you just made yourself look stupid. ...they did not treat them like second-class citizens...that's part of your propaganda...Dhimmi status was a PROTECTED status under which Christians and Jews could be ruled by their OWN call THAT "second-class?" Don't you WISH you could be there again? Your figures are way way off...and the Turks too had every justification to retaliate against Christians for what gangs of Aremenians DID, not because they were CHRISTIAN! It was only in Turkey that Jews and Christians were allowed to live and prosper in peace with Muslims....among Christian nations the Jews were harrassed and periodically killed and Muslims simply didn't exist...only the Turks welcomed them all and given that Christians have always murdered and persecuted and massacred other Christians...I think the record of Turkey in this regard speaks for for the Assyrians who died, the vast majority died due to starvation, as did the Turks...undoubtedly there were deliberate killings...but you have to conside that the most advanced industrial nations of the world were ganging up on Turkey for its oil...and historically, whenever foreign Christians attacked a Muslim country, the Muslim population was placed at great risk and subject to retaliation...there is nothing odd in that or unusual or worthy of being singled out.....all nations have done the same. But there again the Turks did not all of a sudden decide to kill all Christians because they "hate Christianity" fact, since the Turks welcomed ALL Christians...even those sects who were killing each other in Christian countries...and allowed them all the right to practise their religions freely, it could be argued that the Turks LOVED Christianity and treated Christians better than European kings who were mudering their own people if they chose to believe in any other but the approved way, whatever that was. The Turks extended freedom to worship to all of them and many Christians rose very high in adminsistration, Law, government, finance and the arts. > > >...SHOW US goddamn it. This is the propaganda of your church...a church filled with the most ignorant people the world has seen...Christian of Pulitzer Prizes and teachers and the best universiities in the world tell us that it was Christianity that murdered people into Jesus...the Arabs were welcomed as LIBERATORS by our people from their oppression of the Christian overlords. Had the Christians of Byzantium or Rome conquered Bet Nahrain they would have KILLED all of they did every time we fell into their hands...either that or they would have forced us to convert to their brand of Christianity....these are unpleasant truths...but they are the truth...and the information exists and is corroborated by the greatest historians of all ages...only you don't read "sick" things...things which fly in the face of what your ignorant priests have told you'll keep supporting them in idleness. > > >and most of it was done by sword and if not by the sword, he put a nice tax and made them lower class citizens for not accepting his so called truth. > > was NOT done by the sword....if it was SHOW us where this information exists...because I can show you where just the opposite is told..and by Christians, not Muslims. ALL lords taxed people...Christian sects embraced the Arabs precisely because their bishops were bleeding them dry with taxes upon taxes...for god's you read ANYTHING? The jizya tax was a most reasonable tax...and was only applied to those Christians who could aford to pay it...widows, orphans, the blind and lame paid nothing...and they were NOT second-class Islam many Christians and Jews advanced to the highest positions among Muslim states...while the reverse was never true. Islam PROTECTED allowed them the freedom to spread into as many sects as they wnated allowed them to build churches, send monks around the world...had Islam wanted to wipe us out they could have done it in a week...maybe two. Dhimi status ensured that Christians and Jews would be ruled by their own religious leaders, who would collect the taxes and be allowed to keep their own share...wouldn't you LOVE to be that kind os "second-class" citizens again!!!!!!!!!!! > >Once again you're being super ignorant here, there was times where we were treated well under Muslims, but let's compare today for a sec, who's treated with more equal rights? a Christian in a Muslim country or a Muslim in a Christian country? if you have the guts to deny this then you truely don't deserve to live under a Christian nation that feeds you and protects you. aren't comparing equal things....Muslim countries have been under seige for 50 years....they've had their faces rubbed in dirt by Christian powers, they've been shown to their children as weak and impotent just because they never made an economy based on creating weapons of mass destruction and installing thugs in power over people who had no say in it. I could as easily ask you where you would prefer to live at the time when the Catholics of Europe were killing and mutilating the Protestants....and the Protestants were killing and maiming Catholics....I could ask you that if at time you would have prefered to live in fear in a dirt infested London...or in Cordoba...or Baghdad...where the highest culture and civilization and technology's not a fair question. I can think of lots of Christian places you wouldn't want to live in today...and neither would you have wanted to live in Argentina when the Americans were backing thugs, even though they were Christians...Islam is under great stress today and has been for centuries thanks to the Christian West....sure, after you've ruined a place you can ask me if I want to go live there. Had Islam done to Christian countries what Christians have done to Muslim countries, you might think twice about living among such Christians. > >The other thing is Islam was forced on many people in the middle east ...they were not have to give far you are merely repeating...repeating what you were taught. The Quran specifically forbids forced conversion...and everybody back then paid TAXES! What a big deal you make of this! If REAL Christians are going to dump Jesus because the taxes are high...well, they weren't very devoted were they? , there are many groups who lost their culture and language to the Arabs ...yes and many people and nations had their cultures detroyed by Christians...this is nothing to complain's just the way things were for everybody. because they became muslim and were either forced to convert or pay the jizya, ...tell me WHERE they were forced to convert? Stop saying it like it's enough just to SAY it...I can give you proof of how Christians forced conversion on's all there in the historical record....SHOW me...stop simply preaching to me. As I said, everybody paid taxes...and it's also a matter of record that Christians escaped INTO Muslim countries to escape their bishops and THEIR taxes...when I say "fact" I mean somethign for which a person can muster some sources...some REAL ones...don't bring me your bible, or manuscripts or books by Aprim. I want the real stuff... this was the fact, how would you like it if your Christian country says to you "Well, since you're not a Christian you're gonna have to pay extra tax of become a Christian", ...Christians were taxed to death in Christian countries...everybody paid taxes...besides the jizya was a very reasonable poll tax and only those who could afford it had to pay...widows, orphams, the poor, blind and lame and old did NOT have to pay...Christians also didn't have to fight in Muslim wars...they could stay at home and farm their lands or run their businesses, stay with their families while Muslim men were taken away to can bet that many Americans during the Vietnam War would have LOVED to pay jizya if it meant staying home. what would you do? yes, I thought so, if this is not second class treatment than I don't know what is, here's what the prophet himselves said about non-Muslims: > >"O you who believe! the idolaters are nothing but unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely Allah is Knowing Wise. ...this means nothing to me. I have no doubt however that Muslims were shocked at the idea of a god fathering a son...of that "god" being killed...and then EATEN! Whatever they thought about Christians, they ALLOWED them to live and practice their is Christians who tried to wipe out an entire people FOR their religion alone...not Muslims. > >Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection." was a very fair tax...applied humanely...and why not? Don't you pay taxes? > >Mohammad himself promoted hatred against Christians, what more can I say? if this is not second class treatment than I don't know what is.'re right. You DON'T know what it is! Second-class citizens is what Jews were in Europe and is what Native Americans is what Afro-Americans STILL are in America. You don't understand the term at use it because it "sounds good"'s ready-made to your purpose of gaining all the pity you can from people....second-calss citizens don't become foreign ministers of Muslim countries.....they don't become the heads of Health Departments in Muslim countries.,...I know because that's the position my father, a Christian, attained in Kuwait...a Muslim country. You're absolutely right, you DON'T know what the word means..just like you don't know what "nation"means..or "diaspora"...or "persecution"....or "genocide"....or "sedition" people most definitely do NOT know what half the English words you throw around mean. > >....not at all. It's easy if you're willing to sail around the world killing parents and "raising" the "orphans"..and then congratulating yourself on your "mercy". > >...we KNOW just how Africa "became Christian"...we know how millions of African slaves "embraced" Christ...we know how Australians and Native Americans and Hawaiins and Samoans and Europeans "came to Christ"'s all there in the historical record....whole cultures were murdered, temples and gods were destroyed, people were forbidden from speaking their languages or playing their music and were FORCED on pain of death to "attend" church. > >..It's funny that when no one was around to see, the church claims people came to Jesus willingly...yet when there WERE the last 400 years, we see just how much violence was used to "make" Christians....had Islam wanted to do anything of the sort they could have easily "converted" every fucking Christian in their lands....but they didn't, as we can see. > >...if Christian minorities have "suffered" it is because of what they DID, not because of their "faith"....Islam reveres Jesus, but they despise traitors and collaborators. > >Right, so now Christians are the traitors which is why they are suffering, go clean your head from this retarded thinking please. ...they have betrayed Iraq several times...not all of them, of course. But then, there wasn't ONE Iraqi among the 19 of 9/11...and yet look at what Christian nations are doing to ALL IRAQIS! All collaborators, Muslim and Christian, deserve death...every nation on earth has executed traitors and collaborators in war time. > >What exactly were they traitors of? not accepting Mohammad and his revelation? not paying the jizya? what exactly are we talking about here? Muslims have betrayed each other and still do it to this day but I guess when someone is a wimp they take out their anger on the smaller crew. ...boy. One really has to start at the beginning. I've mentioned it all already...Agha Poutrous was a traitor to his country...the Levies were traitors...those who fought on behalf of the Brits were traitors...those who welcomed the missionaries would prove to be traitors...those who escaped into Syria and came back to Iraq shooting were traitors...or engaged in sedition which carries the same punishment. Muslims have been also targetted as's all equal treatment. > >Why do I sense that when you tell me this I keep thinking of some Muslim saying "Man screw America and Britian, let's go kill some Christians and get our justice", the sad part is they take on the smaller native minorities that do not fight nor do they have that type of power, yes quite merciful, can't take on the real enemy so gotta take on someone of the same faith, cowards. ...they hardly have the weapons to match the Seventh Army...or the Air Force. There;s nothing they'd like better than to meet American soldiers face to face with the same equipment and fight it out...attacking civvilians is nothing new....the United States dropped atom bombs on sleeping women and children...was that brave of them? Desperate people will fight back in any way they can...there's no shame in that. The Brits thought the American Revoluttionaries cowards because they hid behind trees and buildings and shot British soldiers oi the back...because they didn't have the weapons, the numbers or the training to go head to they felt was the "proper" and gentlemanl;y way to conduct warfare...had the Colonists "played fair", they would have lost. People will do what they have to do....but it wasn't until Israel was forced on Muslims, by the same Europeans who'd tried to kill all the Jews, that anger began to mount...and the West has deliberately racheted it up periodically to make SURE there'll be a bumper crop of "terrorists" else can these people make thee trillion dollars so easily? > > >...that's another lie. It was starvation that killed EVERYBODY in Turkey..that and disease. There was indeed retaliation against Armenians for their treachery and there would be in ANY country. Look at the United States...there wasn't ONE Iraqi among the 19 who crashed into those towers....not ONE. Yet they felt justified in attacking and murdering innocent Iraqis. If it's okay for them to "retaliate" as they see fit...why can't the Turks? You have any idea how many Turks were killed in a war they didn't start What about them? What abouyt the over 700,000 Itaqi babies, under the age of five, who died from starvationa nd disease because of the Sanctions applied to Iraq by Christians...what about them? You wail about 750,000 "Assrians" supposedly killed by Turks....over 90 years ago...while in the last 17 years and up to TODAY, Chriostians have murdered at least as many Iraqi BABIES...we're not taliing about six year-old Iraqi children,,,or 12 year olds...just under five...and over 30,000 of them were CHRISTIANS...what about them? While you cry over 300 killed in Semele, 70 years say nothing about 100 times more killed in the last few years and up to TODAY! > >..and why? Because you are only interested in Christian when a Muslim kills them. It isn't "your people" you care's slandering Islam that you live for! Let a Christian nation murder "your people" and you say not a fact, you go LIVE there and pay TAXES to them so they can buy the bullets to shoot "your people" and bomb "your homeland". > > >either you man is up and bring be saying of Jesus saying "Fight thee who do not follow me" then I'll believe your absurd claims. > >...I'm not interested in what you were TOLD Jesus said....neither am I interested in what Muhammad said...I'm interested in what their followers DO with what was said to them...and from where I sit it's Christian who've been killing and killing and killing....wiping out whole nations where they could. > >...these are not "claims"...that six million Jews were cooked and eaten by Christians just because of their religion is a FACT...not a claim. That our people welcomed the Arabs as liberators rescuing them from their Christian masters is a FACT...not a claim...and that your religion teaches children to eat flesh and drink blood is also a FACT...not a "claim". > >Just when I thought you'd stop making yourself look like an idot you out due yourself again, listen jackass, I lost ancestors in Dyiarbaker because some Ottoman shitface cut their throats and dragged their bodies around town like some kind of hero, if you're stupid enough to believe that people died of starvation than how do you eplain these images? ...I lost family did the Turks, lots of them. We all lost family because of the greed of Christian nations who, then as now, hungered for the oil. > > > > > > > > >Your Ottoman Turkish brothers commited a genocide againt Christians, end of story, you can sit here and deny it day and night but in the end of the day you'll look like an idiot with that black heart of yours, you should be ashamed of yourself. ...not at all. I am ashamed of the Christian nations who forced that war on Turkey...I'm ashamed of America for murdering innocent Iraqis who never did a thing to harm America. I'm sorry that Turkey got into the corsshairs of the Christians and in its desperation committed crimes...but far far more people died of starvation...and Christians in the cities weren't bothers at all. far as Diyarbakr...the Turks were justified in distrusting the Christian tribes along their remote eastern border because it was through it that the missionaries came and set up shop...they were not trusted by the government and their fears proved was through missionary meddling that we once again believed Christian nations were coming to our resuce..and we committed terrible blunders as a we had so many time...and we paid the price for it. ...I'm sorry for your lossess....I'm sorry for mine and for all the Turkish orphans and widows and cripples and wounded who never asked for that war. You're the Christian...where is your ability to forgive? The Turks were fighting for their lives...every nation on earth has gone ape shit under such strains....look at what the United States is doing. > >...I told you, it isn't my book....I'm not a Muslim...or a Jew or a Buddhist. I'm just me. The Quran teaches respect for Jesus and his also forbids forced conversions or killing Christians or Jews for their religion...Christians KILLED Christians for their beliefs! Have you heard of the Protestant Reformation and its bloodt aftermath? The Two World Wars claimed millions upon millions oc Christian lives...inncoent lives..taken by other CHRISTIANS! > >For a non-Muslim you sure have a lot of praise for the Quran, but not so much for the other religious books, let's see here, can we say undercover Muslim? only Allah knows I guess. ...I'm hardly the undercover or shy type...if I was Muslim I'd shout it out proudly....if I felt that way about it. I haven't praised the Quran...or Muhammad...I'm just trying to keep things in perspective...whatever Islam did NOT start these wars. > >...for the last time...I'm not a Muslim, or a Christian. I'm Assyrian...I believe in Ashur...and Ashur was NOT another name for Jesus!!!! > >So what is this now? is this like a mandotary criteria to be an Assyrian? you must believe in Ashur to be an Assyrian? quite the hypocrisy I must admit. ...that's my any kind of an Assyrian you want...what's it to me? > >...not unless you can prove it. You all say "how come no one asks the Greeks to prove who they are...why only us"? In fact, the Greeks do have to PROVE who they are...if they expect any official recognition...if a Greek losses his passport he can dance, shout Yassoo, eat souvlaki and pray to Jesus all he wants to...but it won't get him anywhere....anyone can do those need OFFICIAL evidence for OFFICIAL recognition. > > have none...none that would be accepted by anyone except your cousins..and they don't run anything anywhere. > > can be "Assyrian" the same way anyone else more and no less. You can be Assyrian because you DO Assyrian things...and Assyrians were NEVER Christians or Muslims...for as long as they appear in world history, they believed in Ashur. Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Atheists, Shinto, Zen...all of them can "be Assyrians"...but one of you or them can claim to be specially descended from the ancients. > >...I'm an "Assyrian" in the sense that I find myself attracted to and impressed by the ancients...the ANCIENTS. I spent 30 years studying and copying their sculpture...I spent almost half a million dollars, raised through the sale of my OWN sculptures on three Assyrian monuments...the Ashurbanipal Monument was the first Assyrian monument to be errected anywhere in the world for the last 2500 years....THAT'S how I'm "Assyrian". I respect my parents and their parents and all our ancestors...for the Christians they were...whether Christians of Iraq or Persian Christians or American Christians or Australian Christians...but we are Christians, not Assyrians...and Iraq or Persian and not Assyrian by nationality, ethnicity, genetically or all the other ways in which you try to trick people. > >This is lovely, you know I'm quite fascinated by the ancient Chinese culture, maybe if I go do some Chinese art and be a little more fascinated with them perhaps I could just pass and be recognized as a Chinese person, wow, this is wonderful indeed, you are a piece of work as they say. ...that is EXACTLY how you became "Assyrian". By latching onto it when you thought it could get you a Christian country...the earlier nationalists knew damn well they couldn't demand a nation of their own based on their religion....that simply wouldn't would be absurd. So they thought to make a "nation" out of themselves and took the hint from the Pope and the all KNOW the pope invented modern the Chaldeans...funny thing is you can't see that the modern Assyrians were also invented...but by the Brits. > >Listen, if you call yourself an Assyrian because you made a few silly statues ...I LOVE it!!! Imagine a "proud" Italian...or German, calling their art and public monuments "a few silly statues"! This is where you show your extreme aren't proud of being're proud to have SACRIFICED their heritage on the altar of a burnt offering to that insane god of yours. The monuments are ASSYRIAN...100%. And they were welcomed and given a place of honor in America...and there isn't a goddamned Christian thign about them...which makes them "silly" to you...because the truth is that the Assyrian Heritage, the REAL one and not the bastardized thing you've made of it, is a silly thing to unnecessay one...all that is necessary is Jesus...that's all. ...had I installed a statue of JESUS you wouldn't dare call it "silly" matter what you thought of me. But since I'm an Assyriana nd most definitely not a Christian...and since I work fot the Assyrian Heritage and not your Christian one....I make silly statues. you see the beauty of allowing free speech to everyone? Because only in that way can you get people to unravel themselves. and like reading about them than you have no right calling others non-Assyrian, and as I said, whether we are from Ashur Banipal or Genghis Khan we exist AS ASSYRIANS today, like it good, don't like it go find a wall and bag your head on it, maybe it'll do you some good. ...I won't do that. Instead I'll work to let people know the fraud you've been you people USE the Assyrian name to get to your Christian agenda...I'll explain in what ways there is an Assyrian consciousness alive and well...and how far you are from it. > >This was my last post here, you can enjoy your empty forum and perhaps minimee was right I hope he follows the same advice and leaves this forum), talking to you was worthless and in the end of the day noone is gonna listen to some washedup nobody, I'm sorry but this is the crul reality. ...thank you so much. Imagine how awful I'd feel if you approved. > >AssyrianMuslim I don't mind, at least he does't go around calling people jackasses (Or at least not with me), if he wants to continue talking to me he knows where to contact me, other than that enjoy wasting your time Pancho because you will get nowhere with this, believe me on this. ...I don't believe you on anything. > >Take care jackass. ..thank you. Before you go however I'd like to point out to you that if I was the kind of jackass you say I am I'd probably be inclined to behave the way your forums do, the ones you're going back to because they protect you....instead I leave this place open so all can come and call me a jackass....before they ban themselves. tata --------------------- |
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