The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Sargon Donabed....

Re: Sargon Donabed....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Saturday, May 18 2013, 16:39:08 (UTC)
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Taoro wrote:
>"Joseph would never write in Donabed's field of expertise, because he knows he is not academically qualified...but Donabed has no problem writing outside his area....this is the difference between scholarship and propaganda. "
>No but he have no problem writing in the area of Parpola, trying to teach an assyriologist how the assyrian society was aramized. But thats ok since the tobacco comany ceo built a building in hes name, so that makes joseph untouchable and is only telling the truth and the rest are just propagandists come on.'re breaking up....for one thing the evidence for Joseph's assertion is right in front of our eyes, and ears...we speak ARAMAIC, not Assyrian. Funny how Parpola missed that.

If ancient Germans gave up their language for French...we'd hardly be calling them Germans today. It's okay to think a little.

In fact don't our parents warn us against forgetting "our" language today? Didn't they all say "forget our language and you'll forget WHO YOU ARE"? Those could have been the exact same words an Assyrian mother used against her daughter in 600 B.C. But the girls went ahead and learned the new "cool" language of Aramaic, because she liked the ease of learning it, or speaking it, and "all the kids are using it". Why do our parents warn us about not forgetting our mother tongue? Why?

Think a little...I mean experts are good for learning and affirming, but you can think HAVE to.

Why don't our parents tell us.."never mind your own language,learn Germaon and English or Italian will make NO difference because you'll stay who you come?


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