The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: They Didn't Whip at Auschwitz....

Re: They Didn't Whip at Auschwitz....
Posted by rico suave (Guest) - Friday, September 18 2009, 3:05:09 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows Codename Longhorn - Mozilla
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How come when presented with evidence of brutality all you can do is point to other people?

Do you have nothing to say about the issue at hand?

Pointing to other brutality in no way erases the one you're supposed to be responding to.

So, what do you think of the woman being lashed? Do you support it? (And please, try to avoid the predictable: "But the Christians did so and so...!!!!".

We're talking about Islam here. I'm guessing you have no argument, or else you would actually address the issue. Idiot.


The full topic:

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