Re: sounds just like arrow/minime |
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- Saturday, April 27 2013, 9:13:54 (UTC) from - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Same argument all over. That's you people's problem that you think you're entitled to have your sources, which are not used by the professional world, to be held in same regard as those who are qualified and respected by other historians who are even more respectable. It isn't historians who are saying Turkey committed genocide, it's mainly politicians and other non-historians. Those who have looked at the facts with pure honesty and for the sake of truth have a different understanding than you do. To you it is a genocide because Turks are Muslims and you try desperately to portray them as Muslims killing Christians just for religion. The first thing, and no matter what you say, it doesn't change the fact that the "Young Turks" were not Muslims. They were Turkish nationalists who were atheistic(same as the ones who run that country today). Secondly, they weren't killing Christians just because they were Christians. It was a war, and Europeans had ganged up on the Turks and try to dissolve the empire so they could get hold of the oil in the region. The Armenians along with Assyrians and others took up arms and accepted financial aid to fight the Turks. No historian has ever denied that Turks killed some Christians, just as Christians have also killed Turks during that period. A genocide is a sponsored attempt to wipe out a people and there is no evidence to this day to suggest this. Churches in other parts of Turkey and in the capital remained open as usual. Christians in Turkey were unharmed during this whole time. It was only in the eastern part where the fighting took place and it was from there where the deaths mostly came and that's where they were expelled from. People on all sides died and most of the deaths on all sides were caused by illnesses, famine and cold winters. What is denied, and rightly so, is that Turks went from house to house in every corner of Turkey in search of Christians. Nowhere in history has there ever been an incident where a people were tolerated for hundreds of years living in peace, having government jobs and free to practice their faith and then all of the sudden they're mass murdered. Jews were persecuted for centuries in Europe and the holocaust didn't just start overnight. The entire time during the holocaust, Jews were sought out from wherever they were and their synagogues were burned down. This was a genocide. What the Catholic church did to the heretical Christian sects of the ancient world was genocide. The intent was to wipe a community out. Unlike you who thinks anyone with a university degree is a qualified historian, I don't follow what appeals to my beliefs. I didn't even hold these beliefs ten years ago. I too believed everything I ever heard about Muslims until I decided to read actual books and read actual articles written by historians and not amateurs. Yes, Aprim will be dismissed by me a hundred times if you bring his works a hundred times. He's not someone I will get my information from because he's not qualified. He's a mechanical engineer. Simo Parpola is a historian on ancient Assyrians, not on Middle East history so he has no business writing about them, though he can offer his opinions. Joseph doesn't write on ancient Assyrians because it's not his field. Albert Hourani, the Christian Arab, doesn't write on ancient Assyrians because it's not his field. A professor on ancient Egyptians doesn't write books about modern China because it's not his field. It goes on and on like this but you people just don't get it. We brought Will Durant, Thomas Arnold and many other historians who have written books about Muslims. These are not my friends. They are respected by other historians and students of history because they are prominent and write history with truth. You have a motive, Aprim, whom you know very well, and that son of a motherfucker, Bet-Shlimon, have motives and different intentions. You've got to be kidding me if you think I will take your bet-shlimon or aprim serious. I wouldn't take myself serious if I did what they did and posed as historian. I am an amateur and I will not take other amateurs, who are prejudice on top of it, serious. Bring a historian like Durant or Carlyle who supports your claims. The Armenian genocide is being debated by politicians to this day and the matter has not been settled. Let's go further in history and see if you can find any documentation to support what you people accuse Muslims of. You say Muslims killed you just for religion and converted you people by force, and I'm asking you to bring a history book that's written by a historian that supports it. If you can prove it, you win. If you can't, and I know you can't, then you will just run like the rest. Yesterday it was one of you, today it is you and tomorrow it will be another punk like you. You show up and then run fast. Look you little shit, just bring your fucking evidence and shut me up, okay? Don't make me fuck you in the ass, you know I'll do it! I'm waiting for you. Oh and I won't use a condom. Hurry bitch! --------------------- |
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