The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: the genocide...and the ASSYRIAN ethnocide...

Re: the genocide...and the ASSYRIAN ethnocide...
Posted by JUMBLAT (Guest) - Wednesday, November 28 2007, 11:03:37 (CET)
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Pancho wrote:

" Of the over 700,000 Iraqi babies, under the age of five alone, who've been starved to death and left to die of easily cured diseases in a country that once had better medical care than the United States, over 30,000 were Christian Assyrian babies...but not a single one of their names or their parent's names have EVER been mentioned, wept over or protested "to the world".


Could you please don not shed CROCODILE TEARS about the IRAQI victims which you DIDN'T DO ONE SMALL THING but busy making SCULPTURES that no place for them !
People like you BETTER to shut up , but here the one did what was required to be done and I do possess everything to prove it.

In conclusion, we as ASSYRIAN people did have an ETHNOCIDE, what happened to those people who were behind that great empire? they are all ISLAMIZED and ARABIZED by these ROTTEN araboislamic b........s and the whole world know that EXCEPT PEOPLE LIKE YOU !


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