The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> That Famous Imam of Palestine...

That Famous Imam of Palestine...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, December 1 2007, 22:27:10 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
Website title: remmeber the one Jumbo told us about who HATED Jews and was a close friend of the Christian Nazis...well, he had good reason to fear. The Balfour Declaration, released in 1917-18 let the Arabs know that England would back a homeland for the European Jews they wanted removed from their midst. The plan was to make Palestine a British protectorate and then settle large numbers of European Jews on Palestinian lands which they would "buy"...this was understandably resented by the Arabs who'd had no problems with Middle Eastern Jews but had no stomach for the Europeanized ones who came complete with all the racisl and cultural bigotry and racism of their European neighbors.

It was, again, foreign Christian machinations and their desire to "solve their Jewish problem" at the expense of other people which roused the Arabs to no doubt the introduction of hordes of Muslims or Jews into Devonshire would have caused tension in England.

Whenever Christians provoke outrage in people, they blame the people themselves for being so outraged, never asking what they did to outrage them.


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