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من اقوال أنطون البليغ: ܚܣܳܡܳܐ ܠܒܪܢܳܫܐ ܐܟ̣ ܫܘܚܬܰܐܗ̱ܘ ܠܦܪܙܠܐ ܐܰܘ ܫܰܘܒܐ ܠܫܶܒܠܐ HomeNewsArticles مقاﻻتIn Syiac ܒܣܘܪܝܝܐMobile موبيـــلContact UsAbout us Template Chooser JavaBean daydream2blue rhuk_planetfall Home News أخبار In Syriac ܒܣܘܪܝܝܐ Games العـــــاب Easter عيد القيامة Mobile موبيـــل Jokes نكــات Sudoku سودوكو Links مواقـع اخـرى Contact Us إتصــل بنــا Search ابحـــــث Google search لوحة مفاتيح ܟܬܘܒ ܒܣܘܪܝܝܐ Archives الأرشيــــف About us Om oss من نحن Login Form الدخول لم تشترك بعد؟ إشترك هنا نسيت كلمة السر؟ إضغط هنا Username اسم المستخدم Password كلمة السر Remember me تذكرني Password Reminder No account yet? Create one Skapa konto här Glömt ditt lösen, klicka här World Time 12:52:20 pm Bangkok Beirut Buenos Aires Calgary Damascus Dubai Hong Kong Houston London GMT London BST New York Moscow Paris Rome San Francisco Stockholm Sydney Tokyo Bookmark me Bookmark Website Bookmark Page Make homepage Home Articles مقاﻻت The Most DISTORTION I ever read The Most DISTORTION I ever read Written by Ashur S. Solomon 05-01-2007 Dear all: This person who claim to be Henry Bedros Kifa, is he an Armenian or a French person ? that is trying to distort history. We respect Aram and Aramaeans, BUT to erase the Assyrians , this attempt could pass upon those who are IGNORANTS of history of the area, but those who are familiar they are merely a joke. Mr.Bedros try to claim that Syria , Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon are Arameans. Let us EXAMINE such theory, and let us for a moment believe in it, if that is true, COULD Mr. Henry Bedros tell us who were the rulers, emperors of such Empire which is a product of his HALLUCINATION ? I am sure he can't answer this simple answer because the Arameans were always under the hegemony of outsiders and never have a solid political power . Mr. Henry Bedros said that the English gave us this name, because he didn't like to admit that many Assyrian Christian fathers were proud of their Assyrianism which were living in the early of Christianity or by the 12, 14 Century A. D. just to mention Malfono Gewarges d'Arbel, Mar Narsay, and Mar Abdisho Metroplitan of Nsibin and Armenia. The matter of fact, the Orthodox's name( Syriac ) is given by a British Historian by the Name Arnold J. Toynbee. In any event, I think its waste of time to debate this Person , because he is full of hate and one of his SUPPORTERS is a Greek Professor who converted to Islam , just imagine on what kind people he is depending . Comments تعليقات Very strange Written by raamal on 2007-01-05 17:33:29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Ashour This person is a Syrian-Aramean person and not an Armenian. He is specialized in history and writes about history as he read it in our forefathers books. Malfno Henry Kipha does not erase anybody he writes about our history and always gives his sources (in which books he find these thinks). We have to be brave and face the facts that we have read our history in some wrong ways some times, what future you think we’ll have, if we don't dare to correct our previous errors. Mr. Kipha doesn't hallucinate about anything. He does present facts and always gives his sources. Instead of discussing his person you should answer/discuss his articles if he is wrong some where you could ore actually you should point it out to correct him, and I think he will be grateful. By the way the argument that "the Arameans never were an empire" is very strange; I've heard it before from others too. For a people to exist it’s not necessarily equivalent to "they were a big empire"; or are we talking about megalomania. I hope you could see his writings as a scientific documents and opinion (you don’t have to believe in it if you don’t want to) not as declaration of hate as you stated in your letter. Regards Raad Malki Written by Zakay Joseph on 2007-01-05 15:53:13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All, this Ashur here is Ashur Beth-Shlimon, an Assyrian chauvinist from the United States. Although he is more than 60 years old, he's behaving like a stubborn teenager. He is the reason why the forum of chaldeansonline has been closed. Here, malfono Henri Kifa (who supplies us with interesting scholarly references about our aramaic identity) is his victim, at another time he insulted me and my website about Urhoy (Edessa), he insulted Prof. Megalommatis, he attacked Johny Messo and even Prof. Sebastian Brock and he did never pay attention to his language. As he is no historian, his main sources are from the christiansofiraq website, which is administrated by William Warda, another chauvinist from the US, who manipulates the writings of our Aramean forefathers and bears hatred against everyone who calls himself Aramean and not Assyrian! There should be no room here for such people without a decent and civilized behaviour. But what can we expect from people who glorify and worship the former Assyrian empire of the Abyss? These Assyrianists are doing everything in their power to assyrianize the whole aramaic people! These same people are calling our language "Assyrian" (which disappeared in ancient times) and not "Aramaic". And they start hate campaigns against everyone who levels criticism at their attitude. Written by henri on 2007-01-06 00:32:46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- شلومو و حوبو إلى ألسيد أشور . شكرا لك على هذه ألرسالة أو هذا ألرد ألقاطع على كل أبحاثي ألمتواضعة ، و شكرا إلى مسؤولي موقع FREESURYOYO لأنهم نشروا رسالتك ألناقدة ، ربما كي أرد عليك ربما تستفيد قليلا و تتعرف على تاريخنا ألأرامي كما هو و ليس كما أنت تعرفه . يظهر أنك لا تحب " ألنقاش " ، أو ألنقاش معي شخصيا ، لذا نريد أن نعلم ما هي غايتك من رسالتك ؟ لا شك أنت تعرف أن غيرك من ألإخوة ألذين يؤمنون بألفكر ألأشوري فشلوا في تقديم نصوص تثبت أشوريتهم . هل تستطيع أنت أن تذكر للقراء نصوص من كتب أجدادك وردت فيها ألتسمية ألأشورية بمعنى ألشعب أو ألأمة ؟ هل تستطيع أن تذكر لنا متى و أين يذكر مار نرساي ألشعب ألأشوري ؟ إن ألسورايى أي ألسريان ألمشارقة إفتخروا بجذورهم ألأرامية و هذا واضح من كتب أجدادك ، و كل إنسان يدرس تاريخنا يرى أن ألسورايى هم أحفاد ألأراميين . هذه حقيقة علمية لا أحد يستطيع تزويرها ، ألحمدلله إن شبابنا مثقف و يستطيع أن يميز بين ألأبحاث ألعلمية و ألمقالات ألسياسية ألمزورة لهويتنا ألأرامية . أشكر ألإخوة ألذين ردوا على رسالتك ، كما أرجو منك أن تتحقق قبل إتهام ألأخرين بالهلوسة ! كما أرجو منك أن تطالع أي كتاب عن ألأراميين لتتعرف على تاريخهم . ألسريان أليوم يطالبون بتاريخ علمي لأنهم " قرفوا و سئموا " من ألتسميات ألمزورة . على فكرة هل تستطيع أن تشرح للقراء ما هو إسم أللغة ألتي تتكلمها في بيتك ؟ فهل أنت تسميها " أشورية " أم تحترم تاريخ ألأراميين و تسميها " سريانية - أرامية " ؟ . إنني لن أرد عليك أو على ردودك ، و لكن أرجو أن تكون " شجاعا " و أن تذكر للقراء أي من أباء ألكنيسة ألسريانية ألشرقية و ليس ألأشورية لأنه إسم حديث ، ذكر أنه أشوري أو أن لغته هي ألأشورية ؟ أخيرا أن مشكلتك ليست معي أنا شخصيا ، رغم ألتعابير ألجارحة من هلوسة و حقد و غيرها ، إن مشكلتك ألكبيرة هي مع " علم ألتاريخ " لأنه لا يتطابق مع ألفكر ألأشوري ألسياسي . ربما من ألصعب عليك أن تتقبل تاريخنا ألأرامي ألحقيقي ، و لكننا نحن راضون بتاريخنا و بجذورنا ألأرامية و لا نخاف إذا سئلنا أحد عن براهين من كتب أجدادك / أجدادنا فهي تشهد على تعلقهم بجذورهم ألأرامية . حفظك ألله هنري بدروس كيفا Written by Ashur S. Solomon on 2007-01-12 10:37:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I read your comments , where you possessed all the freedom to write what you think is right, BUT remember your freedom ends when other people freedom begin. At outset, I never deny presence of the Aramean people , BUT you should know in order to be RESPECTED, then you should respect others as well, and furthermore as ASSYRIANS never attacked those who think they are Arameans, unless they ATTACKED our Assyrianism, and you people should be familiar one Website where a person by the name Arameanexellriarch what he used to right about Assyrians , you better be fair to state the facts . Mr. Bedros asked me to give him a proof about our Assyrianism , what proof you want, that we are from ASSYRIA a geographical area that ruled the MIddle East mor than 600 years from Nineveh and not from Damascus which is the heart beat of Arabism to its inhabitants that suppose to be Arameans. What proof he wants more that our EMPIRE stretched from Iran to Ethiopia with its center NINEVEH as the BIBLE called THE GREAT CITY . And here under few lines of a long verses by our Malfono Gewargis of Arbel about our beloved Assyrian nation which were written before the BRITONS sat a foot in the Middle East ( 13 century A.D .) ܥܘܢܝܬܐ ܕܡܠܦܢܐ ܓܝܘܪܓܝܣ ܘܪܕܐ ܕܐܪܒܝܠ( 1225 - ?) ܕܥܠ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܐ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ - ܢܩܛܘܦ ܚܡܫܐ ܚܘܩܝܢ ܐܝܟܐ ܕܥܗܕ ܫܡܐ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ ܒܐܝܩܪܐ : ܘܡܪܝ ܡܐܪܝ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ: ܡܢ ܛܘܗܡܐ ܚܠܐ ܟܘܢܝܐ܀ ܘܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ: ܕܡܢ ܓܢܣܐ ܛܘܗܡܢܝܐ܀ ܕܗܘܐ ܒܐܬܘܪ ܥܠܠܢܐ: ܘܐܬܩܬܠܩ ܐܝܟ ܩܢܘܢܐ܀ . ܒܐܬܘܪ ܡܒܥܬ ܝܘܠܦܢܐ: ܘܐܬܡܢܝ ܒܣܝܣܪܬܐ ܕܟܐܢܐ܀ ܘܥܒܕܝܫܘܥ ܡܐܢܐ ܓܒܝܐ: ܕܡܢ ܐܬܘܪ ܟܪܟܐ ܦܐܝܐ܀ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ܥܡ ܐܩܦܬܐ ܠܥܘܢܝܬܐ ܕܡܠܦܢܐ ܪܒܐ ܓܝܘܪܓܝܣ ܘܪܕܐ ܕܐܪܒܝܠ ܕܥܠ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܥܕܬܐ ܥܬܝܩܬܐ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܒܝܕ ܡܚܝܠܐ ܐܫܘܪ ܕܒܝܬ ܫܠܝܡܘܢ . ܒܬܪ ܗܠܝܢ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܛܘܒܢܐ : ܕܙܒܢܐ ܥܣܩܐ ܕܐܘܠܨܢܐ . ܘܥܕܬܢ ܢܦܠܬ ܒܚܪܝܢܐ : ܡܢ ܦܘܠܓܐ ܘܥܨܝܢܐ ܀ ܘܡܪܝ ܒܢܝܡܝܢ ܨܡܘܚܬܢܐ : ܕܟܝܪܐ ܘܚܩܝܪܐ ܒܣܘܥܪܢܐ. ܣܡܟܘ ܠܝܛܐ ܘܕܡܢܐ : ܢܨܒ ܟܡܐܢܐ ܣܡܡܢܐ ܀ ܫܦܟ ܕܡܐ ܕܗܘ ܟܐܢܐ : ܕܡܪܝ ܒܢܝܡܝܢ ܥܠܠܢܐ . ܣܗܕܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ ܒܗܢ ܙܒܢܐ : ܠܥܠܡ ܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܘܥܘܗܕܢܐ܀ ܘܡܪܝ ܐܝܫܝ ܕܫܡܥܘܢܐ : ܟܘܡܪܐ ܪܒܐ ܒܢܨܚܢܐ . ܓܒܪܐ ܡܠܝܐ ܡܢ ܛܢܢܐ : ܚܫܝܒܐ ܒܣܕܪܐ ܕܡܠܦܢܐ܀ ܘܡܪܝ ܕܢܚܐ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ : ܟܡܐ ܚܠܐ ܘܒܣܝܡ ܟܘܢܝܐ. ܡܪܝ ܕܢܚܐ ܗܘ ܪܒܝܥܝܐ : ܕܫܡܫ ܠܟܘܪܣܝܐ ܫܠܝܚܝܐ܀ ܫܠܝܚܝܐ ܐܦ ܡܬܘܡܝܐ : ܕܥܕܬܐ ܕܝܑܫܘܥ ܢܨܪܝܐ . ܐܘ ܡܪܝ ܒܪܟ ܠܗܢ ܙܗܝܐ: ܕܢܗܘܐ ܠܐܬܘܪ ܙܟܝܐ ܀ ܘܟܠܢ ܣܒܪܐ ܘܬܘܟܠܢܐ : ܡܢ ܡܪܝܐ ܨܒܐܘܬ ܚܝܠܬܢܐ. ܐܫܪܐ ܡܪܝ ܫܠܡܐ ܘܫܝܢܐ: ܘܢܛܘܪ ܐܬܘܪ ܡܢ ܢܟܝܢܐ܀ An Open letter to you all with respect Written by Ashur S. Solomon on 2007-01-14 12:22:27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shlama/ܫܠܡܐ At outset, I am greatly appreciating your opines by printing my messages, and be assured that I am not that kind of person some try to tarnish my name , hereunder I will post my conversation with our brother John Messo and then make your judgment. And also I appreciate my brother Raad Malkiܪܥܕ ܡܠܟܝ for his positive comments that will build bridges between us than to ruin them, and LET US remember that we are not ENEMY of each other, our common enemy is known very well, and take it for granted that as Assyrians will be our joy for the ARAMEAN REVIVAL, and we are not TRYING to ASSYRIANIZE anyone, and in plain ENGLISH we don't Assyrianise anyone by force, we need Assyrians who come forward and éclair that they are Assyrians as many did it in our SISTER CHURCHES, the Orthodox Church and the Church of the East or the Chaldaean. In addition, I kindly convey my message to Mr. Henry Bedros Kefa that I can't write on my PC in Arabic that is the reason I posted my message in English language, and I am here to have a positive debate with him any time and any place , to the point I will go wherever he is,so let him no that I am not avoiding debating with him, but READY for that. To our brother Zakay Joseph , I will say that I remember once I came across his name on the Chaldaean Forum, yes I reply to him , but I never said as he wrote here, and I am not responsible for closing the Chaldaean Forum, yes it was my FORUM, and I think better to be to the Q...s and Arabs, and also I think people are not dump that as ASSYRIANS our websites are open to all of our people whatever think they are and the same our brother Ghassan Shadhaya's Website. In conclusion, again thank you FREESURYOYO for your cordiality and GOD bless you all ܒܥܐ ܐܢܐ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܡܪܝܡܐ ܒܪܟ ܠܟܠܟܘܢ ܥܡ ܫܠܡܝ ܘܚܘܒܝ. ܡܢ ܐܟܝܟܘܢ ܐܫܘܪ ܕܒܝܬ ܫܠܝܡܘܢ Faith in the Assyrian name Written by ms70 on 2007-01-19 20:46:39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would just like to remind some readers: There are many of those in both the Jacobite Orthodox and Chaldean Catholic church who claim Assyrian ancestry. There are no Assyrians in the Church of the East who claim "Chaldean" or "Syriac" ancestry. In other words, Those who call themselves Assyrian belong to many different churches. Those who call themselves Chaldean or Syriani or Aramaen belong to only one. History, the present, and the future will take care of the Assyrian name and identity, as will scholars, archeology, and academic integrity. Until then, you may call yourselves whatever you wish. Ignorance Written by freesuryoyo on 2007-01-19 21:04:39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That you deny the existence and the co-existence of the Syrians and Chaldeans only shows your ignorance and your hostel attitude and propaganda to divide our people and at the same time deny your root and adopting “Assyrian name” to make your self a history. History can’t be adopted. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your Aramean roots. So please spare us your propaganda and lies. What???? Written by Proud Syrian-Aramean on 2007-01-19 21:13:29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fathers of the Eastern Church adopted the Assyrian name only to divide themselves from the Syrian Church. Go back to your history and see when the name of the so called Assyrian Church has been taken. Please stop this kind of allegations against others. Learn your history first. Re: Ignorance Written by MS70 on 2007-01-19 21:18:46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have such a problem with the Assyrian name I would take it up with fellow Syriacs/Aramaens and other Chaldeans who call themselves, proudly, Assyrians. I have no issue with you calling yourself whatever you like. It isn't Assyrians who deny the Assyrian name, it is others - we are not racist. Anyone may call themselves what they like, as I said before. History will speak louder than we can. I have faith in the Assyrian name, therefore I am not hostile toward anyone. If you have faith in being Syriac or Aramaen, you shouldn't be hostile either. Only time will tell. My only experience has been: there are many in the Syrian Orthodox and Chaldean Catholic Church who call themselves Assyrian, however there are none in other churches who call themselves Aramaen/Syriac/Chaldean. Indeed even the former Chaldean Patriarch (Mar Bedaweed) called himself Assyrian. Are you hostile to him? The Jacobite churches in the US are "Assyrian Jacobite", are you hostile toward them? As I said before - have no fear of Assyrians if you have faith in your Aramaen identity. As nationalistic as Assyrians are, we can't change history. Again, call yourself what you like. Time will tell. Re:Re: Ignorance Written by Proud Syrian-Aramean on 2007-01-19 21:32:49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If that was the case (you don’t have problem with Syrian/Chaldean names), you wouldn’t even be in this site attacking trying to prove that Malfono Henry Kipha is wrong. You could only go back to your earlier comment “Faith in the Assyrian name” to see the tone of undermining those names. So don’t talk to me about being a not racist “multi-ethnic-hero" know. Re: Ignorance Written by MS70 on 2007-01-19 21:41:07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know who Malfono Henry Kipa is. I can't read Arabic. I was just telling the readers there_are_no_Aramaens_Syrians_Chaldeans_ that belong to any other church outside of the Chaldean and/or Syrian Orthodox church, but there many who identify as Assyrians in_all_churches, even Protestant/Evangelical/etc. That's all. a positive debate Written by henri on 2007-01-19 23:08:11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- شلومو و حوبو إلى ألسيد أشور . هنالك فرق كبير بين رسالتك ألأولى و بين ألرسالة ألثالثة ، لقد وعدتك بأنني لن أرد على رسائلك ، و لكنني فوجئت بأنك تريد مناقشتي ! و تريد نقاشا إيجابيا ! أهنئك على هذه ألخطوة ألجبارة ولكن إسمح لي في أي موضوع نتناقش ؟ أ - إسمنا و هويتنا هي ألأرامية - ألسريانية . ب - لغتنا إسمها ألعلمي هو ألأرامية - ألسريانية ج - هويتنا ألأرامية مبنية و مبرهنة بنصوص سريانية واضحة د - قوميتنا تاريخية و ليست سياسية مؤقتة ، لا أحد يحق له ألتفريط بها . ه - بيت نهرين - ألجزيرة كانت موطن أجدادنا ألأراميين . لقد ناقشت مع عدة إخوة من ألذين يؤمنون مثلك بالفكر ألأشوري لما تريد مناقشتي ألأن ؟ هل عندك دراسات جديدة حول هذه ألمواضيع ؟ أخ أشور هل ناقشتني في ألماضي تحت إسم مستعار أو بإسمك ألصحيح ؟ لما لا تناقش ألمسؤولين عن ألأحزاب و ألتنظيمات ألأرامية ؟ هنالك أبحاث عديدة لي أدعي فيها أن ألشعب ألأشوري لم تكن له لغة أشورية خاصة لأنه كان يتكلم أللغة ألأكادية . لقد طرحت عليك بعض ألأسئلة و منها " ما هو إسم أللغة ألتي تتكلمها في بيتك ؟ " " في أي كتاب ذكر مار نرساي أنه أشوري " " في أي نص قديم ورد تعبير ألكنيسة ألأشورية ". ألنقاش ألإيجابي يبدأ عندما تنتصر على نفسك و تتخلى عن تلك ألقيود . لقد ناقشت بكل محبة أخوة يؤمنون بألتسمية ألأشورية ولكنهم يعترفون بأنهم يتكلمون أللغة ألسريانية . - في رسالتك ألأولى إتهمتنا بالهلوسة و ألحقد - في رسالتك ألثالثة تتكلم عن نقاش إيجابي - أرجو في رسائلك ألقادمة أن تصحح ألأخطاء ألمتوارثة ألتاريخية في ألفكر ألأشوري . أخيرا إنني سوف أصدقك بأنك تريد نقاشا إيجابيا عندما أرى ردا لك على إحدى مقالاتي . حفظك ألله هنري بدروس كيفا Written by Ashur S. Solomon on 2007-01-20 10:15:34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Kifa: Shlama /ܫܠܡܐ At oust est , I kindly ask FREESURYOYO not to delete my messages to Mr. Kifa, because I posted a message that didn't go through. Then , to Mr. Kifa , I am not running away , BUT I am here to debate you as I said above ANY TIME & ANY PLACE . The irony is that you people WERE UNDER THE HIBERNATION , until recently and that due to the ASSYRIAN STRUGGLE which bears fruits today and taking advantage of it , and you people UNFORTUNATELY are not against ASSYRIANISM, but we are very familiar with your grievances - your grievances are very old which goes to over 800 years back when we were fighting each other for NONSENSE , in any way THANKS TO GOD that those who believe in ASSYRIANISM being Jacobite, Chaldaean or Nestorian are free of such disease. Unfortunately, it is not ASSYRIANIM , because if we were saying long time ago we are ARAMEANS, I am sure you will be the first ASSYRIANS!! Mr. Kifa and our brothers who are against the ASSYRIAN nation , our message is clear and this is some steps that we believe in : > We are ASSYRIANS, because we are living in GEOGRAPHICAL ASSYRIA. > We are ASSYRIANS , because our forefathers always were proud Assyrians and verses above of Mar Gewarges of ARBEL the best example that you ignore to address , and continue to ask for prove about MAR NARSAI , for your information Mar NArsai is an Assyrian and I am not the one who called him ASSYRIAN, the one who called him ASSYRIAN is a Chaldaean Rite member( Aprim 3ama Mansour) in his article about Mar Narsai - see QALA SURYAYA - Issue NO. 5 1975 page 16, then what will make a deference with you people as long as are so stubborn THAT DON'T ACCEPT but WHAT YOU PREACH !! above Mar Gewarges of Arbel said his verses how proud Assyrian is and you ignored all that . > We never denied ARAM and Arameans , to us the only true Arameans are the ' GREEK ORTHODOX ' who are Arabic Speaking people like you and try to be proud of your language that don't speak it , WHAT A MOCKERY IS!! > We never imposed our ASSYRIANISM on nobody, YES there are a lot proud Assyrians as I said from our three Churches and these people see themselves ASSYRIANS and not Aramean or Chaldaean in nationality. And there are many reasons , my CLEAR MESSAGE TO YOU IS please don't fight ASSYRIANISM if you do YOU WILL BE HE ONLY LOSER , but fight your real ENEMY WHO MAKE 90% OF YOUR DENOMINATION SPEAK ARABIC and act as Arabs , we are not your enemy - IF YOU SEE YOURSELVES macho , please fight your real enemy the one forced you to speak ARABIC , we ASSYRIANS never did that , so please don't loose your time in HALLUCINATION WITH YOUR NEW empty philosophy that will lead NO WHERE . VIVA ASSYRIA /ܬܐܚܐ ܐܬܘܪ Ashur S. Solomon Re:Dear Mr. Kifa: Written by Webmaster on 2007-01-20 10:21:21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Ashur S. Solomon, Freesuryoyo does not delete your comment, but we don't have time to publish all the mails that are sent to us. If you want to debate or comment articles here. You have to register and use the site like many others. Webmaster Re: Dear Mr. Kifa: Written by freesuryoyo on 2007-01-20 11:32:52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t you hear you self you get a source that is from 1975 and its name is Qala Suryaya NOT Qala Atouraya. You relay on a source from 1975 when the Assyianzation wave was on top. People have moved on and are better orientated in their own history. You ignore all Malfono kifa’s proofs from the age of Mor Ephrem about 400 C and talk about some Magazine from 1975. For instance don’t you think that you are the only Syriac-speaking people left on the face of the earth. What good does it make if you know your language but don’t read your history. And what good does it make if you read your histor and distort it, for some weak political goals. ܬܺܐܚܐ ܣܘܪܝܳܝܽܘܬܐ ܢܐܚܐ ܠܶܫܳܢܳܐ ܣܽܘܪܝܳܝܳܐ ܫܠܡܐ Written by Ashur S. Solomon on 2007-01-21 10:02:08 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Free Suryoyo : ܫܠܡܐ Thank you for your feedback, but here is my response , IF YOU THINK suryaya DOESN'T mean ATHURAY/ASSURAYA then ONE MILLION TIMES is not ARAMAYA too, that is in one hand. On the other hand if Mar Aprim/Afram is your SURYAYA, then is mine too , because HISTORICALLY speaking all the people or nationalities of the FERTILE CRESCENT are SURYAYE/SURYOYE . and these SURYOYE in any way or shape never been POLITICAL IDENTITY , but a religious identity. And for me as an ASSYRIAN, my solid profess are over a thousand years before Mar Afram, the days of the Assyrian Empire , in Nineveh, Ashur, Babel and Kaleh in addition to the days of Tatian the Assyrian from the first century to Lucian of Samosata in the second century to Mar Adai through Gewargis of Arbel 13 century , Mar Abdisho of Nsiben in the 14 century to these days of our brothers Jacobites, Sanhareb Bally, Farid Nozha, Na30m Faiq, David Perly Barsoum and Ashur Yusuf of Harpot and many others, ASSYRIANISM is a solid nation that even the Arabic speaking people of Iraq are proud of it , which is always in their writings. Speaking of our SYRIAC language, we are - I mean everyone who believe in Assyrian ism - believe and know that language , because it is our language , NOT like you people who abandoned and neglect it where more than 90% of you speak Arabic and furthermore this language is as the accumulation of the SEMITIC dialects of the people of the Fertile Crescent combined in one modified and developed that deffer from the ancient be that Aramaic, Canaanite, Eblaites and AssyrioBabylonians . Any people speak a language, such language through CENTURIES DEVELOP to a new language where even two hundred years ENGLISH is not going be easy to a modern one to understand, so expect that as Assyrians we should understand that easy ASSYRIAN of over a 1000 years back is not that easy, BUT BE ASSURED and I TRIED myself that I took a paragraph which was translated with the origin words that over 75 percent I could understand it , yes there are a few words which are borrowed from the Sumerian and our people used it always will be obstacle as if you write our modern SYRIAC where you insert GREEK vocabulary in it that an Assyrian, Aramean or Canaanite two thousand years back can't understand. In conclusion, as I said I am ready to debate you any time, but YOU KNOW FRANKLY SPEAKING to me is waste of time , UNFORTUNATELY you people are programed that don't accept any idea BUT ONE which is to you all the Fertile Crescent IS ARAMEANS, you know I will struck a deal with you, ANY TIME YOU CONVINCE the Arabic speaking people of Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq that they Arameans I will join your group and will commend you for that. The IRONY is that you people can't convince even the Christians of the above countries to be Arameans where for instance the GREEK ORTHODOX who are the REAL ARAMEANS see themselves Arabs and their Patriarch is to them the Arab Patriarch. And you people at least you should RESPECT us that we were able to not withstand but we fought for our rights THAT WITH DUE RESPECT you people didn't do it period where you submit to them that it makes the Editors of ' A STUDY BOOK of COUNTRY SYRIA ' which is prepared for the U.S.A defense ministry stated clearly when speaking about the Christians in SYRIA, that only the Armenians and ASSYRIANS are proud of their nationalities WHILE THE REST SEE THEMSELVES ARABS . NOTE: I did register , unfortunately when I tried didn't work. VIVA ASSYRIA / ܬܐܚܐ ܐܬܘܪ ܫܠܡܐ Written by Dear Ashour on 2007-01-21 20:18:05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will respond as a last respond, very shortly two important points. 1. Logically the Syriac/Syrian name was certainly used to describe the nationality of our people. It’s a lie that our priests and people like you who are disorientated use to undermine the name Syrian/Syriac. Why then do you thing there is a modern country called SYRIA today. NOTE: There is no country/land called Assyria today. 2. The most of our Arab friends knows that their roots are Aramean. I read it personally in history books in high school. And they are not ashamed of it. ܦܘܫ ܒܫܠܡܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܚܐܪܐ Freessuryoyo My last response too Written by Ashur S. Solomon on 2007-01-21 20:15:30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ܐܚܝ ܚܒܝܒܐ ܐܣܘܪܝܝܐ̣ ܬܘܕܝ ܣܓܝ ܠܦܘܢܝܐ ܥܠ ܐܓܪܬܝ ܐܦ ܐܢܐ ܗܕܐ ܐܓܪܬܐ ܐܚܪܝܬܐ ܠܡܝܩܪܘܬܟ! Yes, indeed there is no ASSYRIA today, BUT kindly to be fair that there is NINEVEH which is recognized in Iraq , and furthermore you know very well that there is no ' ARAMEA ' too , and that SYRIA is more likely Assyria and such notion was affirmed by the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church himself/ Jacobite , if you need the source I will tell which Issue of the Patriarchal Magazine that comes from Damascus, Syria . NOTE: It is essential to know in the American government study of country SYRIA, that that book bears the cover two ASSYRIAN officials , such artifact was found in the Aleppo castle which I SAW THEM MYSELF in that location!!! and ASHUR is the oldest son( Senior) of SHEM without any doubt, if you going to say 3lam, which is WRONG , that person is not a Semite person , but Arian or Indoeuropean. VIVA A S S Y R I A / VIVA ARAMEA ASHUR / ܐܫܘܪ Assyrians from the fall of Nineveh to pr Written by gilyana on 2007-01-25 10:02:37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those who deny the existance of the Assyrians do it either out of ignorance or malice Those how are interested in the evidence which prove the existance of the Assyrians should read the following article. Here are just few of such historical evidences According to The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle "people of the East, in the guise of merchants, passed over into the territory of the Romans, that they might see the signs which Addaeus did. And such as became disciples received from him ordination to the priesthood, and in their own country of the Assyrians they instructed the people of their nation, and erected houses of prayer there in secret, by reason of the danger from those who worshiped fire and paid reverence to water. " The medieval writer Tabari indicates that Mesopotamia was called Asuristan during the Sassanian period before Arab conquest of the region: "Ardashir's further advanced from Media described a large curve through Adurbadagan/Atropatene, Nodshiragan/Adiabene to Asuristan/Assyria (Iraq), where he conquered the capital of the Parthian Empire, Seleucia-Ctesiphon, probably in 226/227 AD." ( The Armenians who have lived side by side with the Assyrians have always called them Assori, i.e Assyrian as have other nationalities. Following is an early century Armenian document "perhaps the earliest original writing in Classical Armenian. This reading is taken from Books V and VI." which describes how an Assyrian bishop was instrumental in inventing the Armenian alphabet in 420 AD. "..having devoted themselves to a great examination of experiment and investigation, and having endured great labors, they then made an announcement of their own searching to the king of the Armenians, whose name was called Vramshapuh. Then the king told them about a certain man called Daniel by name, an Assyrian bishop of noble origin, who had elsewhere devised letters of the alphabet for the Armenian language. And when this was related to them by the king about the writing from Daniel, they prompted the king to take care according to their needs. And by decree he sent someone, Vahrich by name, to an elderly man whose name they called Habel, who was an acquaintance of the Assyrian bishop Daniel." (A. Richard Diebold Center for Indo-European Language and Culture ( The Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Michael the great (1126-99) wrote: In the first half of the 9th century "the Greeks were offending the Jacobites by saying: 'Your Syrian sect has no importance neither honor, and you did never have a kingdom, neither an honorable king'. the Jacobites answered them by Saying that even if their name is "Syrian", but they are originally "Assyrians" and they have had many honorable kings.... Syria is in the west of Euphrates, and its inhabitants who are talking our Aramaic language, and who are so-called 'Syrians', are only a part of the 'all', while the other part which was in the east of Euphrates, going to Persia, had many kings from Assyria and Babylon and Urhay. (History of Mikhael The Great" Chabot Edition (French) P: 750) as quoted by Addai Scher, Hestorie De La Chaldee Et De "Assyrie") The 13th century Gewargis Warda Arbillaya [from Arbil] asserts that the syriac speaking people of Mesopotamia are Assyrian and Babylonians. On the occasion of the Fast of the Ninevites he wrote: "Our lord heed the rogation (Ba-oota): of the Babylonians and Assyrians [Athouraye] Now that Church leadership is distressed and confused. "Our lord heed the request (Ba-oota) of our destitute country, I glorify your Godliness and ask for your forgiveness. (Odisho Malko Gewargis, trans. Yuel A Baaba, "We are Assyrians", JAAS, Vol. XVI, Np. 1, 2002 p.84.) For Gewargis Warda Assyrians were not just the inhabitants of the Mosul and Nineveh as it is some times claimed. He was from Arbil and considered the Christians living in northern and southern Mesopotamia as Assyrians and babylonians. While the name of the country was changed to Iraq by the Arabs since the 7th century AD Assyrians continued to refer to it as Assyria. hundreds and even thousands of historical document attest to the survival of the Assyriains in all centuries up to this date.... الأعضاء المسجّلين فقط بوسعهم التعليق، أدخل أو سجّل نفسك Only registered users can write comments. Please login or register. Powered by AkoComment 2.0! < Previous Next > [ Back ] Related Items ذات صلة Who's Online We have 13 guests online ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܚܐܪܐ Freesuryoyo الآراء الموجودة في هذا الموقع لا تعبر بالضرورة عن آراء الموقع بل عن آراء أصحابها. The opinions in the articles here in this site only express the opinion of its writer. --------------------- |
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