The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> You Again?

You Again?
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Friday, October 23 2009, 19:42:15 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
Website title: still haven;'t done your homework...remember?

You were supposed to bring us evidence for your two slanders against Islam.

...Show us with PROOF that...

1. Islam killed people just for their religion

2. Islam forced people to convert on pain of death.

We have provided plenty of actual historical sources showing that it was Christians, not Muslims, who acted in the ways you claim.. It's odd that you can't provide a SINGLE legitimate source to back you up, while libraries are full of books written by, mostly Christians, showing that Christianity killed people just for their religion (the Holocaust) and converted people on pain of death (Heraclius and the Jews of Byzantium, also the Jews and Muslims of Spain, as well as Jews and Muslims of Jerusalem...all of them well documented).

And, finally, in the last 100 years Christian nations have conducted two world wars and countless other ones killing over one hundred million people..mostly other Christians...while Islam has only fought , for a few weeks, against a European colony masquerading as Israel.

Islam isn't the threat to world peace....Christianity is.


The full topic:

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